Spinoff: Anyone watch Sherlock?

<p>Just saw the Doctor Who thread, from which the obvious spinoff is:
Anyone else OBSESSED with Sherlock?
I've seen four episodes (1,2,3,5) and I'm watching 6 (not 4- really not interested) as soon as I have time- and yes, I know what happens :). Or rather, :(.
They're just absolutely incredible. They're really well-made and so much fun to watch. I can (and have) watch(ed) the first episode over and over and over... it's that good.
Can't wait for the next season, whenever that may be!</p>

<p>Uh, are you talking about the recent British version of Sherlock? Then yes I’m a huge fan. There are “similar” character like him (Bones, House) in term of thinking but he is by far the best. I seen episodes 1-3. Haven’t watched the recent 3.</p>

<p>Sherlock is amazing, everybody needs to watch series two as well (episodes 4-6 are great). I just wish they would start filming series three already.</p>

<p>SHERLOCKKKKK <33333333333333 I love that show!
Phenomenally written, acted, and produced.
The only bad thing is that it takes forever for episodes to come out. (At least I feel like I’ve been waiting for over a year…)</p>

<p>If you haven’t waited a year, you will be waiting more than that :(. I don’t even know when they’re filming the new ones.</p>

<p>SHERLOCK. SO GOOD. I disapprove of Dr. Who for various comprehensive totally justified and probably correct reasons (read:hipsters), but Sher Locked can do no wrong.</p>

<p>Benedict Cumberbatch is god here. We all love it :)</p>

<p>The next series is set to come out next spring. Both Martin Freeman and Cumberbatch have been filming for The Hobbit, and Cumberbatch has been in a number of other things recently. I just hope it doesn’t get delayed again :/</p>

<p>I’m still dying to know how he survived the fall from the building. I’ve heard some pretty crazy theories, but I honestly just don’t know…</p>

<p>I LOVE Sherlock. The acting, the writing, the cinematography… it’s all amazing. I was surprised by how much I loved it just after watching the first episode.</p>

<p>Yeah, waiting for the next series is a huge pain though. I’m dying to know how he survived the fall also.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, UKgirl- I mean, if we Americans like it, then kal vachomer, as they say in Hebrew, for you guys…
It’s funny, because I love Sherlock Holmes and I’m normally a huge purist (I refused on principle to watch the RDJ ones a few years back) but I got suckered into this because someone told me it was based on canon and even after I found out how much they changed Sherlock’s character I was hooked- and it made SO MUCH SENSE. And he’s a great character- Holmes might be nicer, but Sherlock is waaay cooler :).
I haven’t gotten a chance to see 6 yet so I don’t have any theories as of yet… but just catch me after my winter break and I’ll probably be overflowing.</p>