Docufide or Counselor Form? Mailing Time?

<p>Alright my school is making us use Docufide for all the colleges we are applying to. Does MSU accept Docufied?</p>

<p>Do I need to send in the Counselor Form? Is there any way to do it electronically? The only form I see for it is the type that needs to be printed out and signed. </p>

<p>Is there any way to submit my letters of recommendation electronically?</p>

<p>If I mail my letters along with the counselor form how long will it take for MSU to recieve it?</p>

<p>I've already sent my highest ACT score and SAT score from collegeboard and</p>

<p>I plan on submitting my application tomorrow, but am I forgetting anything?</p>

<p>I don’t think you need the counselor form if you use Docufide. You don’t need recommendations but it will not take long for MSU to receive them. I would just mail them. Send the application in - the posters on the board are waiting for the results!</p>

<p>You really should ask MSU this. These are very specific questions that I’m not sure any of us could answer unless we have personally had to do it. (I am referring to Docufide). </p>

<p>Just send in your app, really. You already have borderline stats and the longer you wait, the harder it is going to be to get in.</p>

<p>Alright well I am sending my application in today.</p>

<p>So I assume they will relieve everything by about the 16th or so.</p>

<p>Would this still be considered as an early application?</p>

<p>What do you mean as an early application?</p>

<p>Well people say that applying in november/late october isn’t considered applying early and makes admission more difficult.</p>

<p>Would sending my application in now be considered early or late by your standards?</p>

<p>Also does applying this week hurt me chances a lot compared to applying maybe a week or two ago.</p>

<p>As long as you apply by the early deadline your chances should be the same as everyone who applied early. Also as long as you send your transcript over docufide you do not need the counselor form, I asked msu that question.</p>

<p>^ Wasn’t the “early” deadline early in October? I think the OP probably missed it.</p>

<p>@vj- you’re about middle of the pack for sending in your stuff. Not early nor late.</p>

<p>I was told there was no early deadline though… Just rolling admissions.</p>

<p>When was the early action/notification date?..</p>

<p>Does everyone who applied before October 6th get put in a different pool that has a higher chance of being accpeted? Do some people in this pool get pushed into another pool of applications?</p>

<p>No. Some people get a letter that says that if they apply by X they will have an answer by Y. </p>

<p>Generally, these are stronger candidates already, but the letter itself does not give you a boost.</p>

<p>Oh alright. So the STRONG candidates who apply before the 12th may be admitted early? The borderline students like me will probably take a longer time either way?</p>

<p>Look, vij, none of us can answer these lol. You just gotta submit and wait like we all did. Strong candidates are generally accepted pretty quickly, but not always. Sometimes borderline students take longer, sometimes not.</p>

<p>It really just a submit then wait and see. </p>

<p>Just good luck and don’t sweat it. There’s nothing you can do after you submit it anyway other than work hard your senior year in case you’re deferred.</p>

<p>I really hope kid and vij are the same person. </p>

<p>If not, the kid’s got issues.</p>