<p>i have a few questions. When filling out medical history, is it necissary to state that I drank some wine on a trip to italy if they ask if i ever had alcohol? Also, is appendicitus considered being treating by a hospital for something other than a minor illness. Finally does anyone know about the standards when it comes to hearing loss. I have glue ear, which means my right estation tube is filled with fluid and i have mild hearing loss in that ear, but it has never impeded me from doing anything before. DOes anyone know what exactly "medical Acention standards" mean? I need to know whether i will be able to pass this test!!!</p>
<li> Yes. and explain</li>
<li> yes and appendicitis is not a minor illness. A minor illness would be a sinus infection or cold.</li>
<li> Hearing loss - they will give you a hearing test.</li>
<li> Medical acession standards - means you are healthy enough to be commissioned as an officer. They have certain standards that one has to meet. If you don’t - then you will be disqualified and then can be considered for a waiver.</li>
<p>Don’t be discouraged - lots of kids get DQ’s and then get medical waivers. You won’t know if you pass until you take the physical and DoDMERB makes the determination. They also may ask for medical records and/or tests to be done - either the determine your qualification or to determine if you should receive a medical waiver.</p>
<p>For definitive DoDMERB answers, suggest going here:</p>
<p>[DoDMERB</a> - United States of America Service Academy Forums](<a href=“http://www.serviceacademyforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=20]DoDMERB”>http://www.serviceacademyforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=20)</p>
<p>There is a DoDMERB rep on there that can answer just about any and all questions DoDMERB-related.</p>
<p>Everything else needs to be approached seriously… but for the first question… Seriously guy?</p>
<p>Who cares that you had a sip of wine on a trip to Italy… really? Just say No. </p>
<p>And everyone else, don’t bash me for this answer, about not being “truthful” or what ever. In all honesty, they don’t care about something as insignificant as this, and anyway, why make things more complicated? It would only matter if you got a Minor-In-Possession charge or a DUI.</p>
<p>And besides, there is not any way for them to try and verify that. The Naval Academy is STILL the Navy, and believe me, they pull the same redundant stuff in the fleet.</p>