Does a 690 on Math Level I really hurt chances of getting into top universities

<p>i plan on taking math level II as well (will study more, shooting for 800), us history, bio, and maybe lit.</p>

<p>is that 690 going to look bad for the top schools? can i choose not to send it? (i will be applying next year) if i meet the requirement of tests the school has, can i choose to not let them see it or will they see it automatically?</p>

<p>ahhhhhh.. please helppp, thanks</p>

<p>lol please someoneeeeeeeeeeeeee</p>

<p>Don’t get stuck on one personal stat - choose a number of schools from “sure-bets” to “stretches” that fit your interests, locale and scholastic stats. Then show the college through your essay, references, application and other contact information that you’re definitely a fit for that college - then go for it! If you do that you’re sure to end up at a college that’s a fit - a place where you’ll find success and happiness. Good luck!</p>

<p>the Math level I curve is terrible anyhow, and 690 rounds to 700, which is fine. :]</p>

<p>haha thanks i guesss?? lol</p>