Hi everyone! I just finished soph year with a numerical GPA (scale of 0-100 since our school doesn’t covert to 4.0 for colleges) at a low 97.xx whereas my freshman year was a high 97.xx, almost 98.
I really want my GPA to be a 98 or above, and I have a determined mindset to do well junior year (99.xx) to boost my GPA.
MY QUESTION IS: Since colleges like to see an upward trend, and my final average for soph year has dipped from freshman year, will a great junior year GPA (99.xx) overshadow my bad soph year?
EXTRA INFO: I think why I didn’t do so well soph year was b/c I had no frees, took 4 APs, and hit in the mid-90s for most of my finals which wasn’t enough to boost each individual classes’ average up a point, so my GPA ended up sliding down.
EXTRA EXTRA INFO: Freshman year I took 0 APs and next year as a junior I’ll be taking 5 APs but I will also have a free (to hopefully get that 99.xx average) as I crammed my schedule this year as a soph.
Chill. None of your grades are bad.
@snowfairy137 yes, i know compared to a lot of people my grades are quite high. however, compared to myself, there is a very sharp decrease in my GPA from freshman year to soph year, so do you think a great junior year average could make up for the slip?
The difference between your freshmen GPA and your sophomore GPA is less than one percentage point. It’s most likely because of an increase in rigor. You are doing perfectly fine. Colleges won’t even notice. Converted to a 4.0 UW scale, your GPA didn’t change at all.
When you get to more difficult classes, it is normal for grades to slip a little bit. Slipping less than one percentage point is Very little slip. Your weighted GPA almost certainly went up.
Where I come from a 97 is still an A+.
In university, you won’t have all A+ grades. I guarantee it. 
By the way, I was actually pleased when my younger daughter finally got a B+ on an interim progress report (not a final grade). I figured it would teach her that the world doesn’t end when you get a B. Someday you too will learn the same lesson, and the world will not end for you either.
@snowfairy137 is correct, Chill.
Calling a 97.xx GPA “bad” is just disingenuous. 
When they say they like to see an upward trend, they mean from C’s to A’s, not 97 to 99. And if you do end up with ~99, at least one AO is going to raise an eyebrow and wonder about grade inflation at your HS.
College admissions for many top colleges is more than just transcript. If you do not get in to the college of your choice with a 97, IMO you would not have gotten in with a 99.
Certainly keep up your grades, but pour some attention into other aspects of the application - SAT/ACT, EC’s, essays. Good luck.