Does a pre-law major help when studying law later?

<p>I know it doesn't help much for admission into law school, but how much does it help for giving me a head start later in law school?</p>

<p>Most reputable schools have no such thing as a pre-law major, so I’d be really wary of that. There aren’t any prerequisites for law school like there are for many other professional schools, so the best major is probably whatever hones your reasoning, critical thinking, and writing skills.</p>


Pre-law gives one an allusion that you are learning law but it is nothing like that.
Law school admissions people hates that given image, but like Pseudonym said that is the best major
Another thing to keep in mind is the LSAT and it has a reputation for have a low LSAT score [Average</a> LSAT Scores for 29 Majors with over 400 Students Taking the Exam](<a href=“]Average”>Business | University of Illinois Chicago)</p>