Does Amherst track visits?

<p>I didn’t have a chance to visit Amherst before applying. I’m going to try to make it out there as soon as possible. I’m just wondering if they’ll know during the admissions process that I did finally get the chance visit.</p>

<p>I don’t know if they track visits, but I would be very surprised if it counted for anything in the admissions process.</p>

<p>I think it just demonstrates interest. I mean, I’m going to visit no matter what, seeing as how I could possibly (as slim as anyone’s chances may be, of course) be spending the next four years of my life there.</p>

<p>To make sure that Amherst knows you visited, you should send them an email or a letter after you visit telling them how much you liked it, etc. That way they know you visited and you have definitely expressed your interest to them.</p>

<p>It certainly wouldn’t hurt, and it’s a very good idea for other reasons (like figuring out whether you actually do want to go to Amherst), but don’t expect it to boost your chances. Lots of applicants are unable to visit for personal or financial reasons, and I would be rather surprised if Amherst decided to effectively discriminate against those applicants who couldn’t visit by giving a boost to those who could. But visit anyway, and try to schedule it so you’ll be able to sit in on classes as well.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice everyone :)</p>

<p>I think Amherst just might wonder how the hell I never made it out there if I live in MA. But financial reasons certainly have impeded it. </p>

<p>I have to visit Amherst and UMass sometime once winter break gets over so I can see the campuses when all the students are actually there!</p>

<p>You could stop in the admissions office once you get there. Just explain it’s the first time you’ve been there, ask about sitting in on classes, etc. If they do keep track, that definitely shows interest. If they don’t, you get to see the campus and hopefully some classes, so you’ll know the college better.</p>

<p>^Great advice! Thanks</p>

<p>Each time you visit the Admissions Office, you are asked to fill out a card with all of your personal information.</p>

<p>Visits are tracked: an admissions representative with whom I spoke told me this.</p>

<p>I don’t entirely agree with Catfish. Demonstrated interest won’t make or break a candidate, but Amherst’s overall yield this past year was only 38 percent: when the committee has to choose between a number of similarly strong applicants, it certainly helps to know who would most likely accept an offer of admission.</p>

<p>huh, i visited in november and wasn’t asked to sign in or fill anything out.</p>

<p>D received an Early Write and never visited. It can’t hurt, I am sure, but I don’t think that if you are the candidate that they want, that it will adversely affect you, either.</p>

<p>Does Campus visit at Amherst boost an applicant’s chances of being able to get in than the ones who don’t pay a visit?</p>

<p>The advantage is negligible.</p>