Does anybody remember...

<p>the letter we got in the mail about some freshmen handbook? I think we were suppose to send in a picture of ourselves?</p>

<p>Anyways. LOL. Can somebody tell me what it's called?</p>

<p>Regarding this, when do we get our UCI photo ID?</p>

<p>I believe it is called The Record or something along those lines. Anyways, I think we will be getting our photo ID’s during SPOP.</p>

<p>I had online SPOP, so how would that be possible?</p>

<p>christina :: You could’ve just sent that information online using the website on the letter. I don’t have the letter on me so I don’t know the site but according to this site [Freshman</a> Record](<a href=“]Freshman”> it might be too late to submit your profile. You can always try using the exact site given on the letter but I’m still not sure…</p>

<p>yahoowizard :: You can get your UCI photo IDs (student ID… right?) at UCItems during SPOP. If you didn’t get it then… I’m assuming you can get it any time during the academic year though I’m not really sure. I’m positive you can get it during SPOP though since that’s when I got mine.</p>

<p>i think that if you did an online spop, then you could just visit ucitems during the first week or something to get your photo id taken.</p>

<p>Thanks! I mailed the thing awhile ago but the name was bugging me hahaa.
Do you know when we’re suppose to get them?</p>

<p>You get your ID when you go to SPOP!</p>

<p>is it mandatory to do the freshman profile?
I don’t see the point of it at all…
and I totally lost that paper.</p>

<p>youshallnot :: No, it’s not mandatory. I’ve heard that lots of freshmen don’t even do it… I don’t really see the point of buying the book. Either way, I think it may be too late to submit your profile…</p>

<p>if you ordered the freshmen handbook, i think you pick it up during the first week of school. if you still have the letter that you got about it, it should be on there</p>