Does anyone else feel like they would choose a big ten over ivy league?

<p>Sometimes I just feel like I want to go to IU or Michigan or MSU. Even if I get into Stanford, Yale, Cornell, Brown and all the other comptitive colleges to which I will apply next fall, I question whether I would be as happy there.</p>

<p>Is it stupid to go to IU or something like that if you're accepted elsewhere? Pros, cons?</p>

<p>What are you wanting us to do??? You have stated a preference and therefore wrong/right isn't really a factor. Do what is best for you.</p>

<p>Don't listen to the above poster!</p>

<p>Go to freaking Stanford, Yale, Cornell, Brown unless you want to spend the rest of your life regretting it!</p>

Maybe I was overreacting a bit. But still, I mean, Stanford is known to have the happiest students in the world. I'm sure you'd fit in there if you got in. And I'm sure that prestigious school's work will pay off.</p>

<p>The happiest students in the world. Flippy, you make Stanford sound like a frolicking puppy farm! That's a good thing though.</p>

<p>Actually, I might prefer to be one of the best of the best in NYU or TCNJ or something like that than just another face in the crowd at the Ivies.</p>

<p>Hellll no.</p>

<p>I got a letter from Michigan STate.. but i don't care about basketball teams.
But I'm really partial to NYU, seems the right balance between normal & having connections(to what i want to do) & an artistic breeding ground.
I don't care about IVY league, because most of them don't care about FILM production.</p>

<p>go to where you think YOU will be happy, where YOU will succeed, instead of being miserable at an ivy league.</p>

<p>I'm probably going to the local state university. I just can't really expect my family to pay for four years of undergrad at 40,000/year +. Especially, since I have a little brother entering college a little after me. I'm not too disappointed. All of my dual-enrollment credits transfer, so I'll be able to graduate with a dual major by the time I'm 20! I might go to a really competitive school for graduate school if I can though.</p>

<p>im struggling with the same thing (although its more between my less prestigious private safety that i think id be super happy at and all the rest of the more presigious privates that i applied to). just be thankful that you have such a choice to make, and go where your heart says you'll be happiest.</p>

<p>It depends which Ivy - If you chose 'Happy Ivy's like Brown, Dartmouth or Yale (according to most) and also Stanford, Duke - basically just places where everyone is happy then, yeah, I say go there.</p>

<p>If you didn't choose 'happy places' then I guess you really should just visit both schools for a weekend and see where you'd really be happy. </p>

<p>It kind of seems to me that if I chose the MSU or somewhere that I would be regretting it in my college years, though, because I knew that I was taking the 'easy way out' and not fufilling my potential.</p>

<p>I think if I lived in Michigan, I would definitely go to UMichigan, because you get a great education, great football team to cheer on, and you save a ton of money.</p>

<p>College is not only about happiness but also about your education. You need to take both of these into consideration when choosing a school. However, there is nothing wrong with choosing Michigan over Stanford. Visit, consider, and apply to a variety of schools; your opinions will probably change and develop throughout your senior year, so leave yourself with your options open.</p>

<p>Why don’t you go to an Ivy for undergrad (like Stanford) and go to MSU for grad. That way, you can look forward to four years at MSU while you’re sulking miserably in your Stanford dorm.</p>