I Hope I Don't Get Into Brown

<p>Yeah, sounds odd, but there's a really good reason</p>

<p>1) I've already been accepted to UChicago and now Colgate with ridic financial aid, and I love both probably more than Brown, esp. Chicago
2) If I get into Brown, my family will probably put a ton of pressure on me to go since it's an Ivy League school and my grandfather and great grandfather both went there
3) One of my friend likes Brown more than I do, and therefore deserves to get in more
4) Brown is too clich</p>

<p>What’s your major?</p>

<p>Probably History or Art History, and I know Brown has a good History major, but I feel like Chicago’s is better, and I don’t want to have to choose and possibly regret it :/</p>

<p>^Harry Potter are the worst movies ever made. The plot has more holes than a doily. For example, what is with Hufflepuff? They just send all of the fail kids there. And why do they even still have Draco around? He’s done so much to the administration that he should have been expelled already.</p>

<p>Please correctly refer to the school as “Brown University”.</p>

<p>I hope that I am not admitted to Brown University, in Providence, Rhode Island</p>

<p>I believe you forgot a period at the end of your statement.</p>

<p>Mapleleafs26, I think Colgate would be a better option than a scientific and mathematic Chicago.</p>

<p>"I hope that I am not admitted to Brown University, in Providence, Rhode Island "</p>

<p>I believe that this statement is unwise for someone who applied to an Ivy league institution to declare a subtle poignant.</p>

<p>Don’t the academic philosophies at Brown and UChicago completely contrast? (open vs core)? Perhaps I’m wrong. But good job on those acceptances Maple :)</p>

<p>Chicago has had the top archaeologists in the U.S. I think they’re both excellent at just about everything</p>

<p>^ lol yeah, but I was just going to use the open curriculum to take classes in everything anyway, so they kind of serve the same purpose</p>

<p>I didn’t think I’d get into Chicago, so now I’m kind of scared :confused: On the other hand, it does show that CCers are often melodramatic about their stats</p>

<p>^^omg what does that mean???</p>

<p>nothing4me a bit critical aren’t we???!!!</p>

<p>^ I am at lost of words for the amount of incorrect English used in your statement.</p>

<p>^^Haha I guess that’s why college admissions are so impossible to be predict. At least you got into one of your fav schools, but I must say, Brown rocks :smiley: (I’m doing ED Class of 2015)</p>

<p>good luck! I like Brown, but not enough I guess to want to go there</p>

<p>lol 10. I liked too many</p>

<p>Lol congrats Maple! Buck the trend!!</p>

<p>thanks Maple! And good luck next year at UChicago :)</p>

<p>lol thx! idk if I’ll go to Chicago, but I hope I’ll enjoy wherever it is</p>

<p>btw, my stats are pretty CCer typical, so you guys can definitely get into your dream schools</p>

<p>I would say that Financial aid should be the considerate thing, which holds you back. Since the latter of the two have provided you a substantial information for a good scholarship, then I would say you are opt. to the other two other than turning back to Brown.</p>

<p>But as I’ve said, Chicago is a Math and Science school like Caltech and MIT. When you apply for liberal arts internships, majority of them might recognize Chicago as that type of school. If you say that you graduated from Colgate, they are likely to believe you that it is reputated for Archeology/Art History as an LAC.</p>

<p>withdraw your app.</p>