Does Anyone Else Feel This Way?

<p>that you "have" to go to a "prestigious" or top school, because that's what everyone expects from you? I've always been known as "CPU--the smart black girl." I feel a lot of pressure from family, friends, and my local african american community to go to a top school. I always get "Oh yeah you're going to Harvard (and that's the only top school that they know of)."</p>

<p>It's really frustrating, primarily because there are soooo many good schools that they haven't heard of because they aren't Ivy schools. I even get the "What's an MIT?" and I'm literally speechless. </p>

<p>I know prestige isn't everything, but that's how I feel ("I 'HAVE' to go to ___________ because it's a top school that everyone has heard of and they'll be amazed and proud")</p>

<p>Just venting.</p>

<p>wow that’s pretty sad. You seem like the type of girl to be successful after a Harvard education or after a local University’s education. You also have to understand that maybe your community does not get enough academically talented kids so the only hope is YOU. Also, show them the rankings so they can see Harvard is not the only top school in the US.</p>

<p>ngirly, that’s what I think it is. No one else around has done anything with themselves, so from the time I was a little kid they put their burdens on me, trying to live vicariously through me. I know I’ll be successful wherever I go (and thank you for saying that), but it’s just the idea of… I don’t know.</p>

<p>youll make it to harvard for sure though so dont worry about that :)</p>

<p>localorfarway–haha actually, I don’t want to go to Harvard :wink:
MIT and Smith are my top two choices.</p>

<p>I can relate to that. My grandparents expect me to go to Princeton or Yale( the few universities they have heard of ). I wouldnt mine going there, but there are other universities i like such as WashU and UChicago that i like as well. You wanna make them proud, but at the same time…</p>

<p>If you dont mind me asking, what is it that you see in MIT and Smith that you don’t see in Harvard? Personally, I want to go to Yale.</p>

<p>SeattleBulldog-- That’s exactly how I feel!!! </p>

<p>Localorfaraway-- I like the atmosphere and academics at Smith, specifically their engineering program. And I like the fact that all of my peers won’t be STEM majors. For MIT, it’s been my first love, since 9th grade (haha). I spent a week there at a rigorous summer program, so I know A LOT about it and I’ve mastered the campus with it’s confusing numbering system :slight_smile: I like the fact that most of my peers will be STEM Majors (contradictory to what I just said, but I fit in in different environments) and the internship programs and that the professors are * more * than willingly to help with an idea you have.</p>

<p>they are polar opposites (including location, Northampton can’t beat Cambridge/Boston), but they both encompass my uniqueness. I can thrive in different environments. :)</p>

<p>I’m afraid that when I list a non-prestigious school in the education section on facebook, no one will like my activity (except you) because it’s not a popular school.</p>

<p>Just kidding. Maybe. You’ll get into Smiff.</p>


<p>True, but in Yale they have a 6:1 ratio in classes, and you are taught by professors. (Just trying to create a reasonable argument)</p>

<p>I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with Yale. I live near it and have been to it many times for track events. I just don’t like it. Also what you mentioned is the same for Smith. and at MIT, you’ll never be taught by a TA, but their ratio is a smidge higher than that.</p>

<p>I think my daughter feels like you do (to original poster). There is a perception that she should and will achieve at everything and this includes a top college. She has a couple of years, so she is not sure where she wants to go. But she has two much older cousins who went to Harvard and everyone calls her the next (insert cousins name). </p>

<p>One thing for sure. Black people understand money. Want to quiet people down? Just say “Well Yale and Harvard are great but so is Smith and they offered my a lot of money to come”. Let’s be real, our people understand that! They would then pat you on the back for going to a good school that gave you dollars. Their spin would now be…</p>

<p>“Did you hear about CPUscientist? She go almost a free ride to this great school called Smith and she took it even though she could have gone to Harvard. See, we knew she was smart! She isn’t going to take out a bunch of loans!”. Trust me. It will work.</p>

<p>Finally, remember that especially with older blacks they still are just so PROUD of your generation…they only mean the best. You are blessed. Pick the school you want and go for it. They will still be proud.</p>


<p>Thanks so much taben1112. Your post was motivating. </p>

<p>I have chosen to stay silent about where I’m applying. A lot of people are upset (who cares? it’s not something they should worry about.) </p>

<p>They’ll know where I’ll matriculate to :)</p>

<p>Again, thanks SO much!!</p>