Does anyone else's school have....

<p>those parent connect or parent portal websites? those websites that post all of your grades for every single assignment in all of your classes? i think most schools do by now. what a "great" idea. now my mom is able to bug me every single second of the day because i failed a 10 point quiz in ap gov. not to mention that most grades uploaded to the website are either wrong or haven't been updated in forever. mom kept reminding me to turn in a paper for two weeks after i had already done so. urgh. end rant. but do your schools have these websites and, if they do, what do you think of them?</p>

<p>Yeah, powerschool. It sucks :S</p>

<p>We actually don’t have one yet. My superintendent is rather technologically inept. I actually think I’d like having the system, if only for myself. I’m too lazy to keep a personal record of my grades. That would come in handy.</p>

<p>Yea, I agree with the above. It would be helpful to keep track of my grades, as many teachers don’t even let us keep our tests. And no, our school system doesn’t either</p>

<p>haha yes it is useful if you use it and your parents don’t. i locked my mom out of it once by changing the password to something in chinese. but she made me let her back in after a week =/</p>

<p>Yeah, it’s called eSembler. It’s a good thing, but can also be baaaaad.</p>

<p>tg we don’t have this.
but even if we did, tggggggg my mom can’t use technology for her life <33</p>

<p>I like it - keeps me up to date and conscious of assignments I may have missed due to absences. It also allows a student to speak more intelligently about performance with a teacher.</p>

<p>nope, but I think it’d be pretty cool if my parents could see my scores… along with class averages/standard deviations/medians and info on how the class is graded…</p>

<p>It’d certainly make talking about test scores a lot easier since I wouldn’t have to give so much background info first before getting to the point.</p>

<p>although there’s supposed to be an account for parents, mine don’t bother with it. i, on the other hand, regularly use it, appreciate it, and find it convenient and useful. just saying</p>

<p>i’m glad my parents don’t have me by the neck because of it. i can totally understand some of your guys’ positions…</p>

<p>We have ParentConnect.</p>

<p>My advice: Don’t change the password (red light to the parents), but turn off the parent alert emails that inform your parents when you fail. Ugh. What a pain. Useful to keep track of your own grades, but seriously, parents getting on your 24/7 for failing something is horrible.</p>

<p>neltharion: haha i didn’t intend to hide the fact that i changed the password from my parents. i announced it to them. mom fumed. dad just laughed. since he thought it was funny, it was able to last for a while. i should turn off the emails. but mom uses the actual website because she suspects i would turn them off.</p>

<p>yes some teachers do! My parents don’t use it I dont care if they do but yeahhh</p>

<p>My school does.
It’s good that it keeps track of my assignments, but I found the system can sometimes be a pain and stressful. Back when I really cared about my grades, I checked the thing every 5 minutes to see if my teacher entered in the test/quiz/project. It was really annoying and I couldn’t help myself.
My parents don’t use it so I don’t have that problem. But I totally understand some of your position.</p>

<p>Oh, and I think my teachers sees when each student uses the system. It’s kind of creepy. So I’m guessing that they saw me logging into the system every 5 minutes.</p>

<p>We have SPAN (student parent access network)</p>

<p>Though progress reports aren’t updated by my teachers, so all it’s useful for is seeing report cards before they actually come out and registering for classes. As such my parents see no need for it.</p>

<p>Ew. We have it too. It’s annoying because teachers actually don’t update ours that often so a lot of the times, our grades online do not reflect our actual grades. </p>

<p>Completely useless if you ask me … what’s the point if the teachers barely update it? And get totally irritated if you ask for them to?</p>

<p>Edline here. </p>

<p>I like it because it helps me keep track of my grades/stay on top of deadlines. But it is annoying when teachers don’t update regularly…i.e. I got a 3/5 and a 4/5 on two English pop quizzes…Edline said I was failing and my Mom freaked out, haha. :D</p>

<p>We have a campus portal where teachers enter every assignment for you and your parents to see. I really like it because I can see how I am doing and know if a teacher screwed up and gave me a zero on something I turned in.</p>

<p>Yea, we have that parent portal thing too. My parents don’t really check it though. Well, not mine at least.</p>

<p>I like it 'cuz I know what I got on my tests and stuff without having to wait the next day to know my score. & if they give me a tardy/absence, I can find out and tell them I was there instead of finding out right before report cards.</p>

<p>Ours is called Pinnacle. I sorta like it because I’m pretty impatient about knowing how I did on tests and all the teachers I have this year update it whenever they have new grades to put in. My parents check my siblings’ accounts all the time, but they never check mine, which is a good thing since I haven’t been doing my homework lately.</p>