Does anyone have any experience regarding German programs in these colleges?

<p>I have already applied to all of my schools of course, as it's January, but I was wondering if anyone could further help me decide which school will offer the best experience in my major (German). It's one thing for me to read about each school's program on their website, but it's another to actually hear from someone who went there. If you've either attended or heard of the foreign language programs at these schools, your information would be greatly appreciated! :)
I have a 4.0 unweighted gpa (a cumulative 4.333 weighted), so I am not going to college solely to party! I believe in a balance between academics and my social life. </p>

<p>These are the schools: (in order of preference so far)
1. Boston University (won't hear of acceptance/denial until late march/april)
2. Boston College (same as bu^)
3. University of Delaware (won't hear from until march)
4. College of Charleston (accepted)
5. University of South Caronlina (accepted)
6. University of Connecticut (accepted)
7. Rider University (accepted)
8. West Chester University (accepted)</p>

<p>Again, any information regarding these schools and their foreign language programs (esp. German) would be appreciated!! Thank you for your time!</p>

<p>I am not familiar with any of those, but I wanted to give you a heads up on study abroad: You will save a lot of money by enrolling directly in a university there rather than going through a study abroad program (which will sign you up for regular cheap university courses too and pocket the fee differential as profit). We are talking $200 vs $20,000 for one semester. German universities are practically free to attend and universities in Austria and Switzerland are still very cheap compared to the cost of a study abroad program.</p>

<p>Iā€™m also not familiar with those particular schools. You might check post #13 in this thread for some factors to consider: <a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;
Other than that, choose the school that is the best overall quality balanced against cost and fit for you.</p>

<p>Thank you both for your input! :)</p>