Does anyone here have a fear of test-taking?

<p>cause i do. usually i am fine but with the psat and some tests in school i tend to freak out. i have read about the "stereotype-threat" and how it causes some black people to not test as well, and i feel like that pertains to me...sometimes. i know i am smart but i feel like it doesnt show. does anyone else have this problem?</p>

<p>sterotype threat? That sounds ridiculous. I’m black and with tests I generally do well on them. I don’t feel any hidden agenda from the test makers trying to bring me down hahah.</p>

<p>i usually do too but i guess i am just venting since my math final brought my grade down to an A-…but yeah, sometimes i feel like i have so much to prove when i am taking tests which makes me do worse. like i feel like i have to prove that i am not stupid by doing well on tests and then it backfires in my face and i do poorly :/</p>

<p>I’m mostly afraid of tests I’m not prepared for but other than that I used to be pretty scurred of the SAT’s math section.</p>

<p>Sterotype threat? What’s that? (although I might know it as something else) And I don’t generally fear tests as long as i study. I usually have really good memory so i dont freak out</p>

<p>Stereotype threat = race- (and gender-) based test anxiety. In studies where black students were reminded of their race and the fact that black students typically do worse on tests, they did worse.In studies where female students were reminded of their gender and the fact that female students typically do worse on math tests, they did worse.</p>

<p>Millancad, I figured as much. I think that has more to do with education levels, and poverty than actual race. But that’s a totally diferent discussion. In fact, women are actually better at mathematical computation than men. (Studies have proved this) And men are better at spacial orientation. But because of the nature of tests, it obviously doesn’t show.</p>

<p>I definitely have a “fear” of test-taking, or i just NEVER do well on SATs! My counselor even told me “your intelligence just doesn’t show through w/ your test scores!” She wasn’t saying it too be offensive, but I know what she means…sigh… Hopefully colleges see that one test isn’t everything and they should look at my grades, courses, and work ethic to see how intelligent I am.</p>

<p>Same in here,
My former high school math teacher even went to MIT and told them that the SAT test tells nothing about me.
He drove two hours just for me, so I hope they will not reject me just because of my test scores :(</p>