<p>Every opinion I have heard about Naropa is either unequivocally positive (great classes, great professors, intelligent/curious students, etc.) or unequivocally negative (overpriced, faux-spiritual, a total sham, etc.).</p>
<p>I've been reading a compilation of some lectures that Ram Dass gave at Naropa in the 70's, and they're very impressive and illuminating. Of course, Ram Dass no longer teaches there and Naropa's probably quite different today than it was in its early years.</p>
<p>My question is, then: what is Naropa like today? Is it an enlightening alternative to traditional higher education, or is it a phony, underfunded cesspool of trustafarians that isn't worth the tuition? I'd guess that neither of these generalizations fully reflects Naropa's reality--however, I would appreciate some insight into the general state of the university.</p>
<p>--I want to major in Religious Studies
--I'm currently a student at a large, highly-ranked university, looking to transfer to a smaller, more tight-knit college that is conducive to general mindfulness/awakening/broad thinking
--Other school's I'm considering: Oberlin, Lewis & Clark
I'm open to any other suggestions or general advice.</p>