Does anyone want to start a business with me?

<p>I've lurked here for about....maybe 1.5 years and I know that some of you guys are very motivated, unique, creative kids. I've exhausted myself searching for kids locally to do something out of the ordinary and great but to no avail, I've found no one.</p>

<p>I had in mind of creating something that inspires other teenagers to defy the "norm" of not only society, but of the government, their culture, their customs, etc. </p>

<p>I've had a few ideas in mind but I don't want to spill them here. So if anyone's interested in starting a business, going to school for business, or just doing something other than sit on their *** the rest of the summer, I'd love for you to reply or just message me! :)</p>

<p>The fact that you just joined today makes me very careful…but whatever send me some info I guess</p>

<p>No promises, but send me some info too :)</p>

<p>Interested, but skeptical like the others.</p>

<p>Would greatly appreciate it if you sent some information my way! :)</p>

<p>Anyone got any info yet?</p>

<p>0 posts? No indication of anyone receiving info yet? </p>

<p>How [url=&lt;a href=“]skeptical.[/url”&gt;]skeptical.[/url</a>] </p>


<p>I actually sent two people some info already (including Coste) because they were the only ones that messaged me. You guys need to calm down lol I’ll get to you eventually.</p>


You should try a revolution. (☭)</p>

<p>[This</a> is my response to the idea he gave me](<a href=“]This”></p>

<p>What’s your problem? You’re the only one out of 5 people who did not like the idea. I think you should devote your time to something more useful (like developing a likable personality) instead of abasing other people and trying to spread your superiority and wit to an online College community. 0__o</p>

<p>I think you should get off your high horse and stop trying to act smart by using “big words” that you probably just googled. Get some real friends and ask them about this idea instead of hitting up random people on “an online College community. 0__o”</p>

<p>…if you think “abase” and “superiority” are big words…then hats off to you. I came here to look for motivated, excited kids who were interested to try anything…which I did manage to find. Unfortunately I also found pompous a-holes like you too.</p>

<p>LOL! For someone who “lurked here for about…maybe 1.5 years” you should have known that coming to CC and posting on HSL, asking for people to do something, with no posts was the worst idea to get motivation.</p>

<p>Maybe from your pessimistic little world? I actually received quite a few responses so your theory is now irrelevant and stupid. Bye! :)</p>

<p>So tell me this: What percentage would you donate? Who would you donate it to? Who would be your supplier? How would you advertise? Distribute? And what would you do when some sees that they can just directly donate to the people instead of going through you and get a tshirt or more?</p>

<p>I already nearly have all that information, just ask some of the other more humane posters I already talked to. I think you’ve already made your point clear that you only want to criticize and judge others without contributing even an ounce of help yourself so I honestly don’t feel the point in replying to any more of your posts.</p>


Finally I’m going to bed then. Go luck with your fail of an idea. Hopefully you change your approach to things, cause if not you have no luck in the business world [/experience]</p>

<p>Bump! I have 4-5 posters from here on board & active–just giving another batch of people the same opportunity to participate. Also, we’re looking for people who can dedicate a LOT of time and effort to this. Just message me for more info!</p>