Does coaching for executive function help ADHD college students?

We just got our D16’s neuropsych evaluation back as she prepares to enter college next fall. Would coaching for executive function deficits help a kid with ADHD-Inattentive Type? Might anyone have advice on this? It’s a new option we’re just starting to explore. Referrals to books or other resouces is very welcome too.

Might it be better to place this question on the Parents Forum?

It is tough to answer. There are a couple of good books out there. I have found this executive functioning coaching to be a necessity, but it (obviously) varies by individual student. “Late, Lost, and Unprepared” by Joyce Cooper-Kahn is great and was recommended to me by someone on CC.

Thanks! Books are always a good place for me to start.

If she takes medication, she could probably benefit from coaching. DD’s cousin has ADHD combined type, so a bit different. She works with a peer tutor to create to-do lists and prioritize her time. It works for her as long as she uses her stimulant medication. But in college, she can skip her meds, and spend a couple of days ignoring her list and game plan. So far, she has always pulled it together again and gets most of her work done–enough to pass. Not quite the same as daily coaching, as she only sees her peer tutor 1-2 times per week.

I’ve read that meds help with focus and better focus can help the coaching have results.