Does Cornell like Latin?

<p>I have taken 4 years of it. I am in AP latin this year. Will Cornell see this and be like cool, that is different from the normal spanish foreign language class?</p>

<p>Sorry, I forgot to add this to my thread. What foreign language did you take?</p>

<p>I’ve been wondering the same thing, since I’m in the exact same situation. Ora pro nobis. ):</p>

<p>Well I take AP Spanish and Chinese 1 (since it’s the first year my school offers Chinese ever), so I would think Chinese looks more unique than Latin.
Latin, unfortunately, is a pretty common thing to have.</p>

<p>Ok, contrary to what the self-aggrandizing poster above said, he will not be viewed as better than you for having taken one year of Chinese.</p>

<p>Four years of Latin plus AP will look very solid. No, not any better than the same in any other foreign language, but it shows commitment to scholarship.</p>

<p>LATIN looks great for those who plan on studying Romance Languages or continue Latin…it’s not too practible but many here took it in high school…</p>

<p>Spanish is most practical IMHO…</p>

<p>dan4545, I wasn’t trying to praise myself, I was merely saying that Chinese is rarer than Latin, not better. Of course all those years of Latin plus AP will look great, but does Cornell “like” Latin? No, Cornell won’t favor Latin over Spanish or French if a student has taken 4 years of Spanish/French and is taking AP to sum it up.</p>

<p>I agree with Resurgam about Spanish being more practical, it’s going to be very important in the US (and already is).
However, Latin is definitely a worthy subject to take, since English has a lot of ties to it and it’s a historically respected subject.</p>

<p>And I really don’t appreciate your tone, no need to be bitter on a college forum.</p>

<p>while we are on the subject of AP couse load. I will graduate with 8 of them, can they make up for my lower gpa (91)?</p>

<p>AP World History-4
AP United states History-4
AP Art history-5
AP Latin
AP Government
AP Environmental Science
AP Economics
AP Psychology</p>

<p>I doubt that Cornell favors one language over another. It looks great that you are dedicated to one class and are now in the AP Level. </p>

<p>and ChandlerBing- having Chinese in schools isnt rare…my high school offers Chinese all the way up to AP Chines Language and AP Chinese Literature. Plus I’m sure it’s one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world…</p>

<p>big11, what the APs will do for you is get you college credits and allow you to skip the introductory levels of some classes. by the rate you’re going, you will have a lot of credits under your belt! Check out this website: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
it tells you what you will get credit for (but it does vary by school and major so read carefully). Study hard for those final 5 APs! good luck!</p>

<p>thanks ambassador, people like yourself is what makes Cornell one of the best schools in the nation and my top choice.</p>

<p>wow sorry about the grammar guys</p>

<p>ambassador: It’s one of only 2 schools in my entire region of NY that offers Chinese… and both started this year.
It’s not an integral part of my application or anything, and I’m taking it for sheer pleasure rather than resume-padding.
My serious language commitment is the AP Spanish track.</p>

<p>The only thing I dislike about CC is that once one person has issues with another poster, the majority of new posters to that thread tend to gang up against that poster.</p>

<p>And I WISH my school offered Chinese up to AP Lang and Lit… I would so have taken it!</p>

<p>^ i know that but the way you posted made it sound like you were superior just because you were taking chinese. im not, as well as the other posters are not, denouncing you in any way and im sorry it made it sound like everyone is ganging up on you, but no one is. being in AP spanish is great, congrats for making it all the way! haha i dropped it after 3 days</p>

<p>Yeah it did come off as pompous, which is mea culpa. AP Spanish is my favorite class! But then again, languages are my favorite subjects in general. I’m really enjoying learning some real Spanish, as opposed to getting kids not to say me llama (as in the American llama) and getting them to me llamo and not me llamo es.
We learned the word for “ruffle” today! I mean, how cool is that???</p>

<p>mea culpa…indeed a Latin phrase…</p>

<p>I don’t know if Cornell really has a preference for one language over another, especially since not all schools offer every single language out there. My high school offers Spanish, French, and Latin, and I’m currently enrolled in AP French Language. However, 4 years of a foreign language in general looks pretty good on an app, even though I took AP French for a completely different reason. I’m just a hard core francophile.</p>

<p>Haha… true that.</p>

<p>To mea culpa being a Latin phrase</p>