Does Cornell take more than one person per high school?

<p>My grade has roughly 110 people , and it's public :)</p>

<p>Yes fsd</p>

<p>yea we had 158 my senior year and cornell took 5 of us and 4 enrolled. I went to an ok public school.</p>

<p>Cornell has taken the val and/or sal of virtually every public HS in our area in recent memory. Usually takes a legacy, athlete or just plain talented student as well.</p>

<p>7/14 people from our school got in last year, 3 or 4 attended</p>

<p>Yes, about 40 from mine each year.</p>

<p>lol r u from NYC?</p>

<p>They took 14 from mine last year, I think 8 went.</p>

<p>They took about 20 out of 400, and 10 attended, myself included.</p>

<p>last year, they took 11 kids and i think 9 are actually at cornell.</p>

<p>took 10 from my school last year 6 are attending</p>

<p>Of course they do! I’ve never heard of a college that refuses to take more than just 1 person from a school…</p>

<p>I think Cornell accepted like 25 from my class of 200 and at least 15 went…I’m from LI and Cornell is a very popular choice around here!</p>

<p>so far, 4 people from my school have been accepted through ED. Since it’s a class of 1,000+, more are likely to apply/attend.</p>

<p>Of course… i dont think any college limits students like that…</p>

<p>My high school for my year had 670 kids and 41 enrolled to Cornell, (A lot more were accepted, I once heard the college advisor give a talk in one of my classes saying 120 kids were accepted, I do not know how accurate this is since the school doesn’t publish this) <– note about 1/3 of the entire school applies to Cornell each year… so thats about 230/yr</p>

<p>the year before us had ~700 and ~50 enrolled</p>

<p>Oh yea its public school</p>

<p>Its kinda funny how out of the 3 random roommates I had so far, 2 of them were/will be from the same high school</p>

<p>^^ haha, were they kids you hated back in HS or good friends? I can see how that would get super awkward and weird.</p>

<p>A public school… was it Stuyvesant?</p>

<p>ED this year about 5 got in. I’m pretty sure we’re getting a ton of acceptances this year though.</p>

<p>Out of my class of about 500 kids, Cornell took 4 of us ED :-D</p>

<p>Cool, thanks guys :)</p>

<p>yea it was stuy -_- . school too big, ive never met my roommates in HS even though they were from same HS</p>