Does CSS Waiver Mean Anthing?

I had to apply for a CSS noncustodial parent waiver. A couple of universities did not respond to the waiver request but ended up not admitting me so I guess it did not matter that they did not respond.

Other universities approved the waiver request. A couple emailed nice messages explaining their approval. Another Financial Aid officer mailed me a physical letter saying her university normally does not approve waivers for my type of situation but that they did approve my request.

Does the fact I was approved for the waiver mean anything about my chances for being admitted at any of the schools that approved the waiver???

FA offices generally work independently from Admissions offices.

Just curious …it seems strange that an FA officer would snail mail you a letter telling. you that they don’t usually approve waivers for your situation but are doing it this time. I wonder why they said that? do you mind sharing what your NCP situation is?

Short answer…no.

But good luck!

Thank you very much.

I don’t want to get into it too much. My other parent won’t/can’t complete the NCP profile but there is more to the story than a simple refusal to cooperate.

The specifics don’t really matter to this forum because the schools accepted the waiver request. I was wondering only about if the waiver indicated anything positive about an admission decision.

Thank you!

A decision on the waiver does not necessarily mean anything about the admission decision. The FA office processes FA for all applicants as soon as it can, so that FA offers will be ready when admission is decided.