Does EA hurt my chances of admission?

Hello everybody!
I am a prospective International student from Nepal and I will be applying for the EA later this year. Will applying for EA impede my chances of getting admitted? I will need some heavy financial aid too.

I will be applying to few others LAC too. I am someone who likes to study enjoying my hobbies too. I can’t just study without doing things I love. This is the main reason for my preference to LAC. I am planning to do major in Computer Science but will explore other options in college before I make a final choice.

This is how I would articulate myself in brief. I would be grateful if somebody could mention hands on learning opportunities I will have at Bennington. Is Bennington best fit for someone like me?

Thank you in advance.

are you applying for Fall 2016 or 17? If it is for Fall 2016 then don’t wait too long as their aid packages might not be available and speaking of EA, it will not hurt your chances but you will be given more priority than most RD applicants. In conclusion, No it doesn’t hurt your chances. Best of luck.