<p>I have a 2130 sat score. does emory reject students with 2100+ early decision</p>
<p>yeah if you have bad GPA, Class Rank, and ECs or dont show interest</p>
<p>Sure, why not? </p>
<p>Weird question, dude…</p>
<p>yeah one of my classmates from last year had a 33 ACT and a 3.9 GPA and was waitlisted/rejected from WUSTL and Emory, and ended up going to Whitman(solid school) </p>
<p>Competition these days at the top 25-30 schools are very tough, these days it seems almost anyone can be rejected and no one is a guarantee, although clearly some people are safeties/matches while some are high reaches</p>
<p>i have a 2130 sat score 3.2 GPA, ranked top 25 percent, great essays/recs and decent ecs and i probably wont get in because of rank and gpa right? i applied ed btw. i tried to show as much interest as possible</p>
<p>Don’t worry about your stats and whether they’re sufficient now; just wait until you get your letter. Hopefully, you’ll like the result, but there’s nothing you can do now to change it.</p>
<p>Ed you should at least have a somewhat decent chance depending on your ec’s. You are right about your gpa being low, but your test scores are slightly above average for Emory. In any case, wait till December 15; that’s the date I’m wating for too!</p>
<p>Good Luck!</p>
<p>Your GPA and class rank is way too low! ED could help, but it wont make up for your low stats…</p>