Does Graduating with Summa actually help?

<p>My parents made such a big deal with getting summa cum lade honors (and I did), but does it actually look good or help at all in the admissions process?
For my school you need a 98 or above weighted average and I passed by a point and some change.
I guess my question is does it stand out or really help in your application that you graduating with the highest academic honor?</p>

<p>If that is a permissible award, then yes. But what’s the rest of your file like?</p>

<p>To get that award you are the top of the class and I’m enrolled in the full IB diploma and taking AP Calc BC this year.
I play 2 varsity sports, captain on 1 (3 years for that) and 2 years for the other
Have had a summer job 2 years, worked in 2 springs as an umpire until sports didnt allow me to anymore, work with an organization that helps disabled children play baseball for 4 years-- a lot of my supplements will include this and briefly mentioned in my common app essay.
Member of a few clubs, but no real leadership positions and often i cannot make meetings for that as i have sports that just conflict too much being 20 hours a week.
part of NHS and foreign national honor society for spanish
my common app essay was about a condition that i have that happens to 1,18000 kids and how its really changed my outlook on life and a lot of things— i had to make sure that it didn’t sound like a sob story, because it wasn’t at all just a real life changing thing for me as i got older (i think that could be something really interesting)
recommendations are good from both teachers, won awards in both classes
won book award (only top 10% can win, but we dont rank officially)
33 composite on my ACT,31 english, 35 math, 34 science, 33 reading
thinking ED to duke as its my absolute favorite with EA to UVA (oos) and Michigan
also, pretty much everyone who has graduated with summa honors has gone to a top 30 school</p>

<p>Duke: Reach
UVA: Match
UMI: Match</p>

<p>Based on your description, it sounds like a very impressive award, something colleges will definitely take note of :)</p>

<p>You look great for UVA and MI. You are a strong candidate for Duke (which is a reach for everybody) Congratulations! Best of luck.</p>

<p>I know Duke is a reach for mostly everyone, do you think I have a real shot ED since their rates are a little more favorable that way and it is truly my favorite place?</p>