Does Intel Grand Awards really help?

<p>DO the intel awards really help? what about the differences between team/individual? or the special awards?? Any input is appreciated!</p>

<p>61 views and no reply? Jeez...bump...</p>

<p>i'm guessing they would look really good on a resume..that's what MY research teacher said at least..STS?</p>

<p>*** kinda question is that? Of course it looks great since ISEF grand awards are at the international level, the highest level on teh common app...</p>

<p>more waffles: no Intel ISEF grand award...</p>

<p>chemnerd57: I only ask because I know a kid with a intel grand awards and a special award and didn't get into Penn ED. His GPA was around a 3.9 and Sat's were on the old scale 1450. So i was just wondering wheter or not the admissions officers really do consider the Intel awards to be "hooks".</p>

<p>I would like to know the answer to this, too.</p>

<p>fuzzylogic - that'd be beast. andddddd.WTHHH someone didnt get in with 1450 SATs, ISEF grand awards and good gpa got rejected, ..not even waitlisted/deferred?</p>