Does Madison require a mid-year report?

<p>I haven't gotten an admission decision yet, but I did the priority deadline for the application, so I'll probably know before first semester grades are finalized. So, if I'm accepted before the semester ends, will the school need my mid-year report? Not that I'm planning to start flunking or anything, but I'm just wondering.</p>


<p>Keep in mind that one possible decision for priority applications submitted before Nov 1 is “postponed” which means your application rolls over and is evaluated with the rest of the later applications. As a parent of an applicant last year, it seemed like a lot of students were postponed who were solid candidates, just not at the top of the stat pool (or bottom, which were rejections). So, for postponed applications, admissions will get and take into account your first semester grades.</p>

<p>Also, all students enrolling have to send completed, final transcripts after the end of senior year. </p>

<p>So yes, keep working hard and show that you are not slacking off.</p>

<p>Yes, regardless of any decision from Admissions, you will be asked to self-report first semester grades and then as above, final end of year transcripts are required from your HS.</p>