Does my son have a shot at UW?

<p>My son stayed at the Statesider this summer taking a pre college course & did comm service. He loves,loves,loves Wisconsin! He's entering his senior year at HS.
I know that UW looks at unweighted (sigh), my son wasn't mature enough in 10th grade to understand that homework is NOT optional! So his GPA is a bit low. Here's a brief synopsis of his scores.
GPA- 3.3 UW (3.7 W)
SAT -1960 super score, 1910 not superstore
Tri M music honor society, jazz band, JV Football, V Track, comm Service @ animal shelters, painting homes.
Looking ahead 12th grade classes-
Honors College Calc
AP Physics
Either H Econ/History or AP Macro-Econ
Eng college writing

<p>He wants to major in business. We are fully aware that UW is a reach... But us it impossible? I am open to advice, concerns, criticisms! Just some help- please.... Thanks!!!!! :)</p>

<p>Improving gpa is better than the same one all semesters so far. Rigor of courses is looked at so good grades in junior year AP/Honors courses helps. He can’t get in if he doesn’t apply- go for it and see what happens.</p>

<p>He needs to really kill fall semester- if he is deferred admission they will want to see 7th semester grades and a strong first semester can make the difference. Also, I’d suggest taking the ACT again this fall and hopefully he can add a point or two. Nothing to lose but the cost of the test. Good luck!</p>

<p>Not impossible, but a stretch. Agree that success in fall semester is key, and that pushing up ACT 1 or even 2 points would help significantly. </p>

<p>I would be a little nervous about applying in the fall pool and the possibility of an outright rejection. Others can chime in on this, but maybe consider a December app, so that admissions will likely wait for his fall semester grades before making a decision. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I was accepted (and attending this fall) to UW-Madison with a 3.3 and a 26 ACT. I’m completely fluent in French (I went through an immersion program that has lasted 14 years) and English, and I took 8 AP courses (the most I could take at my school), along with being a varsity chess captain at my school. Like your son, I didn’t realize the major importance of actually doing well in high school until after sophomore year was over. I stepped it up junior year and received mostly 4.0’s and 3.8’s, and my first semester of senior year was also very decent. It isn’t impossible!
Are you instate though?</p>

<p>We are from New York. The way his schedule would be set up is or 2 honors & the same with AP. does letters of recommendation count? I have 3 teachers, and the Asst Spt of Secondary School, as well as the owner of the PreCollege Courses that he took this summer at UW? Or as my Dad used to say ,“That and a subway token will get you on the subway!” Lol</p>

<p>Out of state, it’s a stretch.</p>

<p>I got in this year with a 3.17, 29 ACT, and boatloads of EC’s that I was really, really involved in. They were not just r</p>

<p>As a parent who served as the administrative assistant for my son (now a rising sophomore at UW) during his senior year – my view is it is perfectly appropriate for a parent to be out there, figuring out what is realistic, feasible vs. impossibility for a rising senior. Kids with fall sports or other significant fall ECs, or who are working to re-test in the fall, cannot do it all and sometimes, being a good parent means taking over some of the logistics. </p>

<p>More power to you, dreamW, that you made it work for you.</p>

<p>My son is planning on taking the ACT again, and that is something that he mentioned on his own. When he was younger, he lacked intrinsic motivation. Fortunately, with maturation he turned the corner and has a strong “hunger”!to do well. He will continue to do volunteer work, Music Honor Society, Jazz Band, take AP classes, and maybe work. He’s starting his essay tomorrow for the common app. I’m here to support him, help him, and love him. He’s my one and only, and if I am on a forum seeking additional advise,or ideas from others I’ll gladly share it with him. :)</p>