Does not having Interview hurt my chances?

<p>Even though the Rice web site state “Inability to interview will not adversely affect your application”, everyone from my high school who applied to Rice had an off campus interview. I didn’t think much of it then because I was too busy with school and EC and writing essays for Rice and my other six applications … but now I am wondering if not doing the interview has significantly hurt my chances at Rice.</p>

<p>(BTW Rice is my one of my two top choice schools. I didn't visit Rice either - simply because we used our time and budget to visit as many schools in a trip as possible. Rice didn't fit the itinerary. If I do get accpeted, we plan to visit.)</p>

<p>If you are truly interested in Rice, i’m sure it shows through the short answer questions. No one here can say if it hurts your chances, because no one here reviews apps for Rice. </p>

<p>I would say it doesn’t hurt your chances.</p>

<p>Also you have already applied, don’t beat yourself over what’s already done. Good luck!</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat… I completely forgot about the interview. I think if your Rice essays were excellent you should be fine.</p>

<p>I’ve got accepted as ED without an interview</p>

<p>The representative who came to my school kind of made it sound like the contacts you have with Rice can REALLY help you out on admission. If they’re going between two kids with virtually the same credentials, they’re going to take the one with more contacts because he or she has shown more interest in the school. Even if you can’t do a campus visit, you should be able to speak with a representative that comes to your high school and have an off-campus interview. And think about priorities. What’s more important? Having a college admissions interview that could impact the next four years of your life or one evening’s worth of homework?</p>

<p>At an on-campus admissions session, the rep mentioned that the interview is optional and that most applicants do not interview.</p>

<p>As far as I know, interviews are encouraged, but not required. It would be unfair to require them as many people struggle with public speaking, question/answer, etc. An interview can certainly add to your application if their are things that you had not yet accomplished by the time you had completed your application. It is also an opportunity for you to share your personality with the college. Other than your essays, it is difficult for the admissions officers to get a sense of who you are as a person.</p>

<p>My daughter requested an interview, but never heard a word back about it.</p>

<p>I requested an interview a couple days before the deadline back in Dec (I completely forgot about it until the last minute) but someone has just emailed me today. I remember Rice’s website saying you had to get the interview done before the 1/2 application deadline, so do you think this interview will be factored into the admissions process?</p>

<p>^^ No don’t worry about it. The interviews are to help keep the alumni in the fold by making them think they are still a part of the university so that they are more likely to send $$.</p>

<p>no you had to REQUEST an interview by jan second.</p>

<p>definetely have the interview.</p>

<p>I thought you had to register for an interview by DECEMBER 1ST</p>

<p>You have to request an interview by december 1st like anhtimmy said. The application (common app, sig page, etc.) was january 2nd.</p>

<p>[Rice</a> University | Prospective Students](<a href=“]Rice”></p>

<p>Unless you feel completely incapable of holding a 20-45 minute conversation with a friendly alum or admissions officer, the interview is definitely something to pursue. As someone has mentioned, Rice really does value every contact they have with an applicant. Unless you’re a mute or hopelessly self-absorbed, an interview can only help your chances of admission. There’s no reason at all not to snatch up the opportunity.</p>