Does Race matter?

<p>I’m an Asian female and am looking to apply to UCI, UCD, UCB, UCLA, and UCSD. would me putting down the fact that I am Asian lower my chances of admission since there are just so many Asians at some of those schools such as irvine and Davis?</p>

<p>california (the UC system) is forbidden by law (proposition 209) to take race into consideration in admissions. </p>

<p>some would argue that that is one of the reasons “there are just so many asians” on the campuses. make what you will of this information.</p>

<p>race always matters.</p>

<p>of course law forbids it, but it matters. especially in professional programs such as dental, law, medical, pharm, because they want to put those minorities in those rural areas after graduation to make THEM (the university) look good.</p>

<p>in essence the same scenario works for UC’s. they want minorities to “rep” their UC. For instance, Blacks make up 2% of most UC’s, whereas Asians & Whites make up a large majority. Native Americans sadly, are the #1 lowest in the UC system, followed by blacks, then latinos.</p>

<p>google - URM.</p>

<p>So should I put my race or put prefer not to answer?</p>

<p>It is illegal for the UCs to admit based on race. They find ways around it, but your specific chances will not change if you choose not to answer.</p>


<p>I strongly believe your changes will be the same if you put down either.</p>

<p>The race information is compiled for statistical purposes only as required by the federal government and not shown to readers who evaluate the applications. Any mention of race in the rest of the application (extracurriculars/personal statement) is disregarded (the readers are trained for 3-4 weeks on all the dos/don’ts for evaluation and are specifically forbidden to consider race).</p>

<p>They are legally not allowed to, but that is absolutely BS.</p>

<p>The black kid in our school got into UCB and UCLA with a 3.5 and under 2000 SAT’s</p>

<p>as much as that stings every time i read “black kid”, “black girl”, or “black man”, their is no other name really to call us.</p>

<p>anyways. you sir don’t understand the dynamics of it & never will. so just cut him some slack. 3.5 isn’t that bad, and perhaps their were other motives. i know white people getting into schools with well below average. </p>

<p>you do know acceptances are practically random picks right? admissions don’t just critically analyze EACH applicant.</p>

<p>It shouldn’t. Race shouldn’t even exist as a term.</p>

<p>some or working against more odds than others.</p>

<p>The question is: Can you prove someone named something like Cee Lo Green is Asian or White through some answers he wrote on an application? Not really…</p>

<p>If it’s a drop-down box asking what race you are, it probably is for statistics purposes. There is no tangible evidence if you are lying or not and they don’t really care.</p>

<p>If it’s a check box for asking if you are a underrepresented minority or disadvantaged, yes it might matter but you are entitled to prove it.</p>