<p>Although race is not taken into account, as they say, does it really matter? Because I am Asian and I always hear that it's harder if you're caucasian or asian to get admitted and a lot easier to get in if you're a minority race.</p>
<p>tell them you’re american indian then</p>
<p>lol if u are azn u shouldnt have a problem then right?
but yea, if u have GPA over 4 or good SAT and good essay u shouldnt have a problem</p>
<p>lol, I don’t think I can fool them with my last name. Well I was just wondering because I’m afraid I won’t get in because my testing scores aren’t very high, and I wanted to know of any other reason that might make it harder for me to be admitted</p>
<p>well its not like you can change your race, so why worry about it?</p>
<p>work on changing your GPA and test scores…</p>
<p>change your last name to longknife, or redcloud, or even joseph…i believe there is a chief joseph.</p>
<p>well, I was just curious</p>
<p>By law, the UC colleges shouldn’t be considering race at all. For a more general discussion that applies to other colleges, see the first several posts in the main FAQ thread, </p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/651345-race-college-admissions-faq-discussion-3-a.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/651345-race-college-admissions-faq-discussion-3-a.html</a></p>
<p>Yeah by law theyre not allowed to use race for admissions but they use other things like income and other things for admissions.
btw wat is ur definition of low test scores? <2100?</p>
<p>yeah. Below 2100 or even below 2000 is low, isn’t it?</p>
<p>Technically, colleges aren’t suppose to take race into consideration for admission. That would be racist for obvious reasons. However, to “promote diversity,” colleges have set certain defacto standards. URM’s therefore definitely have an advantage over people (races) that are over represented at colleges, including asians.</p>
<p>Sad/true fact, but I know where you’re coming from. I’m an asian chick without perfect scores applying to competitive universities.</p>
<p>Still…your race is only one factor in the entire admissions process. As long as you don’t fall into the “stereotypical” asian category, that is if you’re able to make yourself stand out, your race shouldn’t matter. Good Luck ;)</p>
<p>I had a 1980 SAT and a 4.25ish GPA when I turned in my application with essays that were mediocre at best. I got admitted as a Comp Sci major.</p>
<p>I’m sure you’ll get in because my cracker-ass got in.</p>
<p>TheRateKage12: That’s because in CS your “cracker-ass” is a minority</p>
<p>“Technically, colleges aren’t suppose to take race into consideration for admission”</p>
<p>That is not true at all schools, but it IS true at the UC’s. First gen and income DO count.</p>
<p>You are not required to identify your ethnicity on the app</p>
<p>OP,it depends on which asian you are. Chinese and Koreans (and even many Japanese) tend to have higher SAT and GPA scores than other asians. Most Koreans and Chinese people that I knew had over 1400+ and 4.3 GPA. This was back in year 2000 and 2001. Not to denigrate other asians or anything, but other ones, such as, Filipinos and Thais, had like 1250-1300 SAT and 4.1 GPA, which was around the average at that time.</p>
<p>you don’t have to identify your race, but if your last name is like Wang, Huang, Nguyen, Doi, Kim, etc I am sure they will know that you are asian</p>
<p>There are Norwegian-Americans named Wang.</p>
<p>Supposedly, the avg. african-american admitted to UCLA this past year scored 200-300 points lower on their SAT. Now, many of my friends here are black, and I know for a fact many of them scored well above the average admit on entry exams.</p>
<p>However, with the publishing of that report, I’d assume they’ll be real careful this year about how to prevent race from being a factor. You cant control it, so why spend the time worrying? If you’d make a good fit at UCLA, they’ll admit you.</p>
<p>Don’t worry, even if you get in AAP will make sure you feel the sting of reverse discrimination.</p>