Does receiving your ID mean you app is complete?

<p>Just the one question.</p>

<p>No. 10char.</p>

<p>Receiving a user ID with Pass code for the decisions page in a letter of postcard does.</p>

<p>Yes...that is what I am talking about...the letter that has a user ID and passcode in it for online decisions</p>

<p>When were we suppose to get those? I've never even received a confirmation from Penn saying they received my application. Is this normal?</p>

<p>Well, I am not talking about something that directly said, "Your application is complete", but rather the ID/passcode letter that told the applicant how and when he/she would get the decision online.</p>

<p>I received mine in late January, but it seems like a lot of people on CC have not received theirs yet.</p>

<p>But my question is whether the "letter with the ID/passcode" does in fact mean that one's application is complete?</p>

<p>Not necessarily complete. When you get the ID/password thing, THEN you LOOK at the page and see if your app is complete. Works that way for most of the Ivy's and many others .</p>

<p>However, they mostly have sent email requesting the missing stuff already if it wasn't completed in time for the review.</p>


Not necessarily complete. When you get the ID/password thing, THEN you LOOK at the page and see if your app is complete. Works that way for most of the Ivy's and many others.


Penn doesn't have any sort of online tracking system for apps. If you log in with the ID/Password, all you would see is that decisions have not been released yet; not whether parts of the app are missing.</p>

But my question is whether the "letter with the ID/passcode" does in fact mean that one's application is complete?


<p>No. I received the letter in early Jan and my application wasn't complete.</p>