<p>the question was, "does swearing bother you at all?"</p>
<p>so answering "depends" is the same as answering "yes"...</p>
<p>the question was, "does swearing bother you at all?"</p>
<p>so answering "depends" is the same as answering "yes"...</p>
<p>My mistake...</p>
<p>Yes: 8
No: 10</p>
<p>Yes: 9
No: 10</p>
<p>I curse sometimes and I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but some people do it way too often and for no reason.</p>
<p>Yes: 9
No: 11</p>
<p>Just words. I just prefer them to be limited because they're so bland.</p>
<p>Yes: 10
No: 11</p>
<p>I used to curse like a sailor (oh, 7th grade...), but now I'm kind of turned off by expletives (however, when I'm extremely angry, a bad word or two can find their way into my thoughts)...</p>
<p>Yes: 11
No: 11</p>
<p>There's really little to no need for them actually. It seems like a lot of kids are doing it just to sound "kewl".</p>