Does TAG actually guarantee admission?

So its almost about time for me to submit my TAG and regular application to UC’s so that i can transfer next year but ive been sorta paranoid. Is TAG actually guaranteed admission? I have completed every requirement in the TAG matrix that i need to complete for my first two semesters, my GPA isnt great but its above the 3.2 GPA that UCSB is asking for TAG. I finished my one math (calculus) course and my two english courses already. So with every requirement met, is TAG guaranteed because ive read other threads that say it is guaranteed and even if you are rejected when you meet all requirements, you should give admissions a call and theyll fix it, but ive also heard that because there are so many people doing TAG nowadays, admission is now based on who’s credentials are higher and not bare minimum.

TAG is guaranteed as long as you meet the course requirements and GPA requirements including through Spring of 2018. You drop below the TAG GPA, then your TAG will be rescinded.

You do see TAG applicants not getting in due to 1) a change in TAG course requirements 2) TAG GPA dropped below minimum during the year 3) Withdrawing or not passing required courses needed for TAG transfer.