Does Texas A&M have a good business school?

<p>I live in Texas, and would like to major in Finance. I am trying to narrow down my choices and I would like some feedback. My other choices would be UT, OU, or Stanford (if i can afford it).
Would any of those be a better choice?</p>

<p>Out of the four, UT has the best undergraduate business program while Stanford has the best for the graduate program. And you can take out OU lol, unless you got a free ride there? xD
A&M has a good undergrad & graduate program for Finance, but it’s not on par with UT’s.
If you got BHP at UT, it’ll probably benefit you more to do that as they’re highly prestigious, almost on the level of Stanford’s graduate program. It would cost the same as A&M and you wouldn’t have as much debt as you would with Standford. You would also have more job opportunities right out of undergrad since it’s nationally recognize should you choose not to go for to graduate school.
Also, you should visit the schools to see which one would better fit you, being an Aggie, Longhorn, Sooner, or Cardinal. :]]</p>

<p>I’d personally choose Stanford if I could afford it. But if you get into BHP at UT, then you should definitely choose that. Either way, you can’t go wrong with either Stanford, UT, or A&M. OU should be really taken out, though IMO.</p>

<p>UT has the highest regarded undergraduate business program of the schools on your list but A&M has a stronger alumni network. Visit both and see where you would like to spend the next four years of your life. You are more likely to excel if you are in an environment that suits you.</p>

<p>If you want to major in business (finance), you can eliminate Stanford. Stanford does not have an undergraduate business major. You could major in economics at Stanford but that would be roundabout way to get into finance.</p>

<p>OU has an undergraduate business program but you would be better off going to Stanford and getting a degree in economics.</p>



<p>not really…all ivies dont have a business school…</p>

<p>i’d pick stanford over UT anyday</p>

<p>would clemson (in south carolina) be any comparison to tx a&m and UT?</p>



<p>No, there’s not a close comparison to A&M or UT at all.</p>

<p>That said, I agree with the above poster. UT is tops in Finance. According to US News ranking it was 4th. And yes A&M does have a stronger alumni network which could really benefit your career. Stanford, with the powerful brand name it has, I’m pretty sure majoring in economics can land you a finance career easily over attending UT or A&M. It’s just a matter of whether you’ll get in or as you said, the cost.</p>

<p>Then again, if you don’t get into Stanford, UT, or A&M for that matter, OU will always have a place in its heart for you. Best luck finding a job though. LOL.</p>

<p>i dont think it’s smart to still be aiming for a career in finance…</p>

<p>maybe financial engineering :wink: </p>

<p>accounting is a safe major. operations research (engineering side of business) too.</p>

<p>“i dont think it’s smart to still be aiming for a career in finance…”</p>

<p>can you explain why?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>that being said finance is a better choice than a general business degree, marketing. </p>

<p>accounting is a safer one.</p>

Great business school. Opportunities exist there that you would not believe. My son was with a program where he wrote a paper that was graded by one of America’s most respected businessmen … a man who is now a partner with KKR in New York. Ultimately he got a job with a major international investment banking firm right out of A&M business school. Plus there is such a sense of community at A&M. That is an intangible that is just of incalculable value. I went to an East Coast private school that was very exclusive and it did not have this sense of unity at all. My take (and my son was admitted to both schools): the two best business schools in the State of Texas are A&M and UT. A&M is the #1 school in the state for undergraduate studies. UT is tops for graduate school. Yes, I know grades and tests scores are a slightly higher at UT than at A&M but this intangible I speak of is a major difference maker. I only know three other universities that have the kind of close unity that exists at A&M: the service academies.

You guys really need to start checking the dates before replying to threads.