Does the Honors college (engineering) accept AP credit?

I have been accepted as a presidential scholar ($10,000 a year) and with a 3 year $18,000 AFROTC scholarship. I plan to major in aero astro engineering. It usually takes 5 years but I have enough AP credit to slice a year so I would only have to pay $18,000 overall for one years tuition (Im out of state btw). Before I can accept the honors college offer I need to know if they will take my credits because otherwise it is not worth 40 grand. I would love someone’s help. Thanks

You probably can check with an academic advisor to go over the above link vs your major’s requirements.

There is a place on Purdue’s web-sight that will tell you what AP credits are accepted. The Honors College does not to my knowledge have any requirements concerning AP credits and many of your AP credits can be used to cover gen ed courses and other courses. As for the required math and science courses you will need to discuss that with an adviser. Just because you can use an AP course for credit may not mean you should. I believe they require a 5 in Physics C to get credit. They will give you credit for both portions if you get a 5 in both portions. However, I would recommend being very comfortable with your knowledge in calculus based physics. You will need that in future courses. The same is true for Calculus courses.

Purdue is generous in accepting AP credits. However, the engineering curriculium is so rigorous, the credits don’t really shave all that much time off. Also, the honors college advised my daughter to retake Chemistry (as an honors course) even though she received a 5 on the AP exam. They said it would help her application to Chemical Engineering (after FYE). She felt the retake was unneccessary but made for an easy A. A lot depends on what AP credits you have.