Does the VT network require specific virus software?

<p>So I originally I had microsoft security essentials on my computer before I came to Tech. It worked well (please don't give me any microsoft fanboy crap). Never had any problems. But when I came to Tech they handed me symantec endpoint protection in one of the bundles. The wording made it seem like I needed to have it to access the network. I reluctantly uninstalled security essentials and put on symantec. I figured what the hell... if it sucks, I uninstall it and go back to security essentials. Well I'm not liking it at all. I've had problems that have only occured since I installed symantec and its not like I am visiting crazy and obnoxious sites. I still go through my typical routine as I did at home. </p>

<p>So before I go ahead and make the impulsive switch back I want to make sure I'm not wasting my time if Tech requires symantec. I can use any virus software I want right?</p>

<p>Microsoft Security Essentials is great, you’ll be fine even if you uninstall Symantec.</p>