Does this help???

<p>I searched on the internet for the number of Dutch who go to the States for an undergrad, and discovered it is roughly one thousand.</p>

<p>I am assuming that is pretty low for such a "wealthy" country. Will this "exclusivity" help me with my admissions.</p>

<p>Again, it just a wondering, because when I browse these forums I only read about Asians and South Americans. </p>

<p>Any feedback will be appreciated, also if you know any Dutch undergrads let me know, because I don't know any...</p>

<p>Well maybe they lump you and everyone else in europe together and get their "european" population...much the same way you combined countries to make "asians" and "south americans"</p>

<p>yeah that makes sense, although I do not hope that's the case ;-)</p>

<p>anything else guys?</p>

<p>I assume he's right. which isn't good for me being british. Although true there are far more applicants from asia, hence I don't think it will be as competitive being western european.. although that may be entirely the wrong way round..</p>