Does this mean I am accepted?

<p>I received a card from NYU in the mail that read the following: "The cost of a college education is a matter of concern for many students and their families. Although NYU is not able to meet the full need of every student, we will do everything possible to make an NYU education financially feasible for you. </p>

<p>But, you won't recieve financial aid unless you apply...<br>
Then it tells me to file the FAFSA immediately if I haven't.</p>

<p>Any ideas?</p>

<p>apply to nyu</p>

<p>No, it does not indicate whatsoever you’re accepted. You have to send the FAFSA everywhere regardless.</p>

<p>When are you supposed to hear? I wouldn’t count my chickens before they hatch!!</p>

<p>No. You are not accepted if you haven’t applied. Maybe you have PSATs or SATs that are remarkable, or some other skill like the didgerdoo, and NYU is “courting” you. Like, they’d like you to apply.</p>

<p>But that is no guarantee of acceptance.</p>

<p>no lol, a lot of people get that.</p>

<p>Most all colleges have FA stuff due before they make admissions decisions, so they have to make sure the students apply for FA. The deadlines are coming up, so colleges are sending FA letters to all the students now that FAFSA and CSS profiles are being completed.</p>

<p>lol none of the stuff you guys have said is true. People get letters like that all the time. I got a financial aid letter like that from Harvard, and my ACT scores (32) aren’t phenomenal and I didn’t even apply there</p>

<p>I applied already. I’m a senior. The way it is phrased sounds like I was accepted. And for one, not everyone gets this, my sister applied to NYU and never got it and was rejected.</p>

<p>to add on: What are you, a senior? If so most [priority] FA deadlines are coming up, and they have to receive the FAFSA/CSS profile of you will not be considered for most/all scholarships…so it is important to stress the FA deadlines.</p>

<p>I know it is important to stress FA deadlines, but then why hasn’t my other colleges carry this out yet?</p>

<p>lol mass mail strikes again</p>

<p>Idk, seems odd. Maybe they have further deadlines or are still gathering apps?
I have received FA letters from most of the colleges I have applied to.</p>

<p>Well, the schools I haven’t received FA letters from, are supposed to make their decision by april 1 and one by march 15.</p>

<p>if it makes you feel better, i got one. my transcripts still haven’t been received/processed by NYU. so it’s definitely not an acceptance.</p>

<p>Hmm…Well almost all my schools required both the CSS and FAFSA. From what I understand not all schools need the CSS (which can be filled out now) and only need FAFSA (which can be filled out later because of taxes). SO I’m guessing the schools that need FA info relitivly soon are sending them out now …but I would anticipate within the month you will receive more FA letters from your other schools.</p>

<p>Look guys…FILL OUT THE FAFSA! Even if you want a job on campus you should fill it out…pronto…now…not later…you can use your estimated taxes from last year and it can be updated when you or parents actually file…you can lose out on lots of institutional aid if they don’t have the forms files on time…there is no do-over date on this stuff…</p>

<p>NYU is just reminding you to fill out the FAFSA if you want finaid. It has nothing to do with you being accepted, or even being a strong candidate. It’s just a reminder. Many schools send them, but many others don’t- they expect you to know the deadline and meet it. So make sure to check the websites of your other schools, and find out when they want the FAFSA. A few of my schools wanted it by Feb. 1.</p>

<p>NYU is simply giving you the facts. </p>

<p>It is expensive. </p>

<p>They do not meet 100% of your demonstrated need. </p>

<p>If you are going to need money to pay for your NYU education, you will not get aid, unless you apply. </p>

<p>If you think you are going to need $ fill out the FAFSA.</p>

<p>Let them determine whether or not you are eligible for aid.</p>

<p>No, it’s not an acceptance. If you are accepted, you should get a small envelope that has a card welcoming you to NYU. After a few weeks, then you get the big envelope.</p>