Does this mean I got denied?

<p>I just chcked my status, and I found this:</p>

<p>Admission Term: Fall 2009
Admission Type: New First Time
Application Status: Decision Made
Decision: Denied Program/Offer Other WL
Current Program
Degree Seeking
Level: Undergraduate
Program: Pre-Pharmacy
Catalog Term: Fall 2009
College: Pre-Pharmacy
Campus: West Lafayette
Major: Pre Pharmacy
Date Created: Jan 13, 2009</p>

<p>Does this mean I'm denied from Purdue or I'm put on the wait list?
What should I do?</p>

<p>from Purdue's admissions site: (Purdue</a> University - Check Application Status)</p>

<p>Denied Program/Offer Other WL: Applicant denied to program of study requested, but offered other program of study if space is available at the time the applicant contacts Admissions to discuss options</p>

<p>So, do I need to contact the Admission office to choose another Major ?</p>

<p>I think so, I would definitely do that tomorrow or ASAP</p>

<p>thx a lot, Pierre0913
just one more question, is it better for me to contact the admission through phone, or email them?</p>

<p>I think phone would be best since emails can sometimes take 2-3 days to be responded to</p>

<p>BTW, is it hard to get into pre-pharm program in Purdue?
what's the acceptance rate of this program?</p>

<p>pharmacy is a very competitive major, I don't know the specific acceptance rate but it is hard to get into</p>

<p>I c
I called the admission office today
and changed my major to managment
so, I'm in..
thx again, Pierre</p>

<p>Spada, what are your stats?</p>

<p>My stats:
I'm an international
GPA:3.5/4.0(the admission counselor told me my GPA doesn't meet the pre-pharm's requirement)
Essay: Good</p>

<p>I called them, and changed my major to managment in the business school
haha, and I got an acceptance email too
however, I haven't get the big packet, when could I get it?</p>

<p>Hello, Spada03617!</p>

<p>I am an one of applicant of Purdue University Engineering Program,
and I got Denied ‘Program/Offer Other WL’</p>

<p>I am planning to call them, but here is one question.</p>

<p>do they provide a list of major that I can choose ?
Or do I have to discuss with admission counselor about my major ?</p>

<p>I got my packet today, but I’m an in-state student. The website says that the packet is mailed within 1 to 2 business days of the decision. So depending on where you live, I’d say sometime this coming week you’ll get it.</p>

Unfortunately, I am our-of-state student.
Can I ask you what information is there in your packet?</p>

<p>Is there a list of major that you can choose?
And, is the letter says that if you change your major, then you will be accepted from WL?</p>

<p>I actually got into my major, so I don’t have the same problem as you. So the admissions packet would be different than the other program packet. Yours will probably include something about instructions as how to change your program of study to reapply for admissions or something to that effect.</p>

<p>And as for people who are accepted who wonder what the packet is like, it includes a number of materials. Your acceptance letter and directions to set up your career account, a West Lafayette Visitors Guide, a checklist of things to do before you start school, a pamphlet on housing/meals, and this funny door hanger about a room being occupied/available.</p>

<p>I also got the same thing </p>

<p>Application Status: Decision Made
Decision: Denied Program/Offer Other WL
Current Program
Degree Seeking
Level: Undergraduate
Program: Engineering First Year
Catalog Term: Fall 2011
College: First Year Engineering
Campus: West Lafayette
Major: First Year Engineering
Area of Interest: Undecided within Engr</p>

<p>My scores were:
SAT: 2110
ACT: 33
GPA: 3.3
Essay: very good (according to my AP lit teachers)</p>

<p>do I have to call? what alternative programs will be offered? my parents seem to think that I wont be offered any branch of engineering at all and my fingers are crossed hoping thats not true</p>

<p>anindo, I was waiting for somebody more knowledgeable to answer this, but I’m pretty sure your parents are correct. My understanding from the engineering info session I attended is that if you want engineering, you select “first year engineering” as your major on your application. If you were denied your selected program, I think that unfortunately means you were denied engineering, and would have to choose something else. You do have the option of choosing to major in USP (Undergraduate Studies Program), which I think is basically “undecided”, and try to transfer into the engineering school later. However, being able to transfer wouldn’t be guaranteed. Maybe someone else on this board could comment on that?</p>

<p>thats very disappointing to be honest. my scores are significantly higher than others who got accepted for engineering :&lt;/p>

<p>Wow, I had almost identical scores and I got accepted
3.4 GPA, 2110 SAT, 34 ACT</p>