Here are some statistics that show why AA is necessary:
('best off' race at top of each category)</p>
<p>Average Income by race (2004 census):
Asian $57,518
Non-Hispanic White $48,977
Hispanic $34,241
Black $30,134</p>
<p>Percentage of population without health insurance (2004 census):
11.3% Non-Hispanic White
16.8% Asian
19.7% Black
32.7% Hispanic</p>
<p>Rate of victimization by violent crime (here asians are mixed in with white and hispanics are placed by skin color)
8.2 per 1000 White
14.6 per 1000 Black</p>
<p>Average SAT Score by race (2003)
-------------------math/verbal (total)
Asian American-----575/508 (1083)
White-----534/529 (1063)
Other ----513/501 (1014)
American Indian---482/480 (962)
Other Hispanic----464/457 (921)
Puerto Rican----457/448 (905)
African American-----426/431 (857)</p>
<p>Average ACT score by race (2003)
Asian American---- 21.8
Prefer Not to Respond -----21.8
Caucasian---- 21.7
No Response-----20.1
Other ----19.3
American Indian---18.7
Mexican American----18.3
African American ----16.9</p>
<p>Unemployment Rate (Jan 2009)
Asian 6.2%
White 7.8%
Black 13.4%</p>
<p>Percent High School Graduates (census 2007)
White 89.4%
Asian 85.8%
Black 80.1%
Hispanic 60.6% (lower than I expected!)</p>
<p>Percent Bachelor's Degree (census 2007)
Asian 49.5%
White 30.5%
Black 17.3%
Hispanic 12.5%</p>
<p>Percent Advanced Degree (census 2007)
Asian 19.6%
White 11.3%
Black 5.8%
Hispanic 3.9%</p>
<p>Average income with a Bachelor's Degree (census 2007)
White $48,667
Asian $46,857
Black $41,972
Hispanic $40,068</p>
<p>Whites and Asians have easier lives on average. They tend to have more health care, income, less crime committed on them, less unemployment, and higher ACT and SAT scores. 2 out of 5 hispanics drop out of high school. About half as many blacks graduate from college than whites. Four times as many asians graduate from college as hispanics. Even after graduating from college, blacks and hispanics still make $4000-$8000 less every year on average - that's around $250,000 over a lifetime with the SAME DEGREE.</p>
<p>Asians are the new whites. They outperform in nearly every category. There simply arent enough hispanic or black students that are 'rich' and white or asian students that are 'poor' to bother switching to socioeconomic and opening a can of worms with accountants and lawyers. Can you imagine the consequences if getting your parents to quit their jobs for a few months might really help you get in to college?</p>
<p>Warning: Biased opinions follow.</p>
<p>I am Hispanic and proud of it. I've tried to only use statistics above, without letting my point of view skew the results.</p>
<p>People look at an Asian person and expect him to be a doctor or a violin player at a top orchestra or both.</p>
<p>People look at a White person and expect him to choose his favorite career and go for it.</p>
<p>People look at a Black person and expect him to be a gang member or - at best - a construction worker.</p>
<p>People look at a Hispanic person and expect him to be a janitor or a maid.</p>
<p>When someone tries to break free and go above what is expected of him, he should be helped as much as possible, and that is why affirmative action needs to stay.</p>
<p>Until you eliminate White and Asian advantage in EVERY other racial statistic (that I could find), don't take away the Hispanic and Black advantage in college admissions.
<p>It's not the Asians fault... that they tried better in school and got a better life because of it. Same goes with White. Asians out preform, again not their fault.</p>