Does VT compare you to other applicants by your major or by the college it's in?

<p>I applied as an art major (studio art BFA intended) in CAUS, and I have an average SAT score and an average GPA. I'm at their 50% mark from last year's admittants with my stats. I know that for majors like architecture or engineering, VT will compare you to other applicants who want that major as well because they're so competitive. So if I applied as an art major, will I be compared to applicants who applied for architecture too since they're in the same college or just with other art majors? I'm OOS from southern CA, which I am hoping will make some sort of beneficial difference, as VT has become my first choice. I know that if I'm being compared to people who selected architecture then I'm kind of screwed.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance, btw. I'm just trying to calm my nerves.</p>

<p>I want to know this too. I’m trying to transfer into their Computer Science program which is in the college of engineering. Being as CS is not your traditional type of engineering and not one of the most popular programs, will I still be considered an engineering student and subjected to the same competition as say someone who wants to study Civil Engineering?</p>

<p>I too would like to know.</p>