Does your college have a nursing school?

My DD20 is interested in nursing. Her stats are on the lower side and she may not be able to gain acceptance to a direct entry nursing program in a school she wants to attend. She prefers a full university experience at a larger place, rather than some of the smaller colleges with nursing schools that might actually accept her on the first round.

So… we are looking to add to her list, trying to identify schools that have a nursing major that one applies to starting sophomore or junior year. Important to her is the college environment, most students living on campus, big choice of classes, majors, and activities, and location in NE/MidAtlantic or possibly midwest.

Would love to hear from anyone who has applied to nursing major AFTER being at school for a year, or has friends who have done this at your school.

How do I move this OUT of the nursing major forum? I’m trying to get ideas from people at “regular” schools and not already in nursing programs. Someone moved it here from college search forum.

In the midwest, there’s SDSU. Well known for nursing, not direct entry, and even OOS, very reasonably priced. Plus, as a “regular” school, there plenty of majors to choose from.