Does your school have Pre-IB physics and what does it cover ?

<p>I had Pre-IB bio last year and I was grilled so hard no matter how much I study(B+). Now, science classes scare me and I want to know what will Pre-IB physics cover ? I am particularly bad with atomic structure and chemicals and IDK if they have that in physics. Can anyone tell me what hard concepts they have to learn ? </p>

<p>Well it will differ by school, as their is no real pre-IB rubric, as far as I am aware.</p>

<p>We have a great teacher so we end up getting into a lot of the SL stuff. Now, I didn’t take SL physics so all I know is that in our pre-IB course, atomic structure and chemicals never came up. For me personally, the hardest stuff all year was the circuitry we did near the end. Keep in mind though that I had a high A all year, so I never struggled too much.</p>