<p>I haven't seen any posts about it throughout my time on the forum (literally none, which was pretty disappointing but I could have overlooked something), and I just took the exam today so I was wondering if anyone else here did as well. If so, we could discuss the free-response questions- after 48 hours- and in general the level of difficulty multiple choice. My teacher gave me a previous exam's multiple choice questions and they were so easy that I got practically every one correct, but I found this much harder. Maybe that's just me... And does anyone know around what kind of score percentage you need to get a 5? (ie. could something like a 60% give you a 5) because I'm curious what kind of curve there is.</p>
<p>Thank you. I have been searching for the Spanish lit curve and I haven’t been able to find it. I wish more people took this test so we could discuss it. I felt pretty good about it especially the MC but FR was alright. I’m like 40% I got a 4, 60% I got a 5. I’m a native speaker though. Hopefully the curve is around 70% in which case I think I’m OK for a 5 (which I need for credit in college). So if anybody knows the curve if you could post it here it would be much appreciated.</p>
<p>i never even knew what this test was. i took spanish langauge</p>
<p>its probably for the straight up Mexicans though</p>
<p>Yeah I took Language last year as a sophomore but I only got a 4, and I’d be so much happier if I got a 5 on this. I’m not a native speaker though, have no one who speaks Spanish at home, never went to any Spanish-speaking country etc. etc. so this is all comes down to just me and my classes over the years (thinking about it now I guess it’s a pretty big disadvantage…) Anyway I’m glad there’s at least ONE other person looking for the curve to this.</p>
<p>i took it today! i saw a statistic on college board, that about 80,000 take spanish lang but only like 10,000 take lit</p>
<p>I just realized that for the last question I wrote one big essay addressing both questions. I didn’t read the directions because my teacher just told me we’d have to write 3 essays, and let’s face it, who reads directions on standardized tests? The majority of people assume they’re always the same and just save time by going to the exam. Anyway I was supposed to write separate short answer responses for the different parts… please tell me I won’t fail? Will they just give me a dash for that section and completely ignore it? Aka screwing up my entire score? I was honestly so close to crying today.</p>
<p>hm i kinda did the same thing? but i guess they were separated by paragraphs, i think you’re fine</p>
<p>so can we talk about the frqs now</p>
<p><a href=“Supporting Students from Day One to Exam Day – AP Central | College Board”>Supporting Students from Day One to Exam Day – AP Central | College Board;
<p>I wonder if they’ll penalize you for that.</p>
<p>Is there any sort of distinction in your responses for the third essay?</p>
<p>BTW what did you guys think about the test overall?</p>
<p>I have to take this test on Friday (conflict with Human Geo last friday)
times a million.</p>
<p>Took this test last year, read only some of the short stories and got a 3.</p>
<p>To anyone who took the test this year, do you remember the name of the Federico Garcia Lorca poem?</p>
<p>Been trying to find it. No luck. :(</p>
<p>hm do you remember what it was about at all?
i completely forgot haha</p>
<p>The Lorca poem was a kind of a love lost poem. A lot of images from nature. The part that kept on repeating was something like:</p>
<p>“Que era ese ruido, amor”?
“Nada, solo el viento en la ventana”</p>
<p>or something like that.</p>
<p>ah sorry i cant remember it
i remember that i liked it though haha</p>
<p>Found it!
It’s called “Viento Nocturno.”</p>
<p>i’m going to definitely</p>
<p>I’m taking it next year. I’m the first person my teacher has ever “let” do it as a real class. I’ll be all by myself reading the literature probably 2 or 3 times each and writing an essay every few weeks with some discussions with her. I’m thinking this’ll be a pretty easy 5 with all of the prep, huh?</p>
<p>so I’m taking this next year as an independent study and I was looking online to see if there are any prep books with practice exams, but I can’t seem to find any. does any books that would have spanish lit practice exams?</p>
<p>This exam is the one that BYU gives the most credits for. Had I taken this exam and scored a 4, I could have had 16 language credits :o</p>
<p>mubbles- You will probably have to buy released exams if you want practice exams.</p>