<p>For those who have done a professional research project of some sort, I was wondering if you could tell me how you got involved in it and where you submitted it?</p>
<p>By professional research project I mean something like a paper on psychology or something in which you performed some research and got it published or something. I know it sounds weird and I'm a bit unclear on it myself. </p>
<p>I want to go to Cornell U and I know that they want students who can help benefit their research facilities that they are expanding on as of current. I know I would be a student who would love to do that kind of research, but I want to be able to communicate that through my application. </p>
<p>So I was thinking of doing an individual research project in Environmental Science or Psychology or something. Is there some sort of program that would accept my research project as an entry or something? Has anyone had any experience in this field before? </p>
<p>Any suggesstions or help towards this topic would be great. I know its confusing but I'm just wondering how I can get involved in doing college level research. Should I take UC courses? CC courses? Or just do whatev and submit it to the U itself?</p>
<p>I got involved by contacting a teacher who had mentored a lot of students in research projects. They know a lot about the research process and can really make you finish all your work on time and not procrastinate. I didn’t participate in any research program; i conducted all the research by myself by testing subjects at school. My mentor helped a lot in getting the resources and devices needed (by contacting connections he has in universities etc…)
A lot of people submit their complete research projects to competitions such as Siemens or ISEF (you have to go through the local preliminary competitions first).
I’m not sure about the course-taking, of course it would be helpful; i live in China and never got the chance to take college level courses at unis. If you’re smart, you can acquire all your knowledge online or from your libraries.
I submitted mine to the ISEF prelimnary competition and some other local competition.</p>
<p>Oh that’s awesome. My enviro sci teacher teaches community college so maybe I could get some connections with her there. </p>
<p>BTW when you say that you did research is that ALL you did? Or do you need to actually do field experiments to qualify as a science project? I’d love to do some research on a specific idea I have to solve a certain environmental issue but its kind of an idea on a global scale where I can’t do any specific field work. Will I still have a chance with just book/online research if its well done enough? Is that what you did?</p>
<p>No, i did a lot of experiments. If you’re just searching online and writing an essay on your findings about global issues; that wouldn’t be research, probably just an environmental commentary.
The research process is really beneficial. You should try conducting experiments or whatnot like … testing how to reduce the negative effects of pollution plants, the harmful effects of common gases in polluted air, run tests on a new idea you have for decreasing global pollution … or whatever you’re interested in.
You can search ISEF, past results and see what their topics are on to give you an idea. If you want to begin research, you can begin by looking at other people’s research papers.</p>