Don't want to go to Penn anymore

<p>I am an incoming freshman at Penn... </p>

<p>I swear this is not spam or a joke, but really, I just don't want to go to college anymore. Too much **** is happening in my life and I don't care about attending school. I don't know what I'd rather be doing, if anything, but I'm certain that school is not up there on my list. </p>

<p>I don't know what I want to do with my life, and I don't think I'll find that, or be happy at, Penn. </p>

<p>I don't even know why I applied and I was rather apathetic upon receiving my acceptance-- I guess I just figured that college was somewhere I had to go after high school was done.</p>

<p>Anyhow, you all probably think I'm bat**** crazy right now, so, any suggestions?</p>

<p>You can go ahead and switch lives with me if you want :D</p>

<p>I sort of understand what you are feeling. Right now there is nothing that I want more than the chance to stay in my country and just not have to go to penn ( or any foreign school for that matter). But hey, do what I'm gonna do: Go ahead, take this great opportunity ( 'cause its a hell of a chance you are getting, stuff like this comes once in a life time they say lol) and go to your first year at penn and enjoy it. If stuff doesn't workout that first year, well then you can seriously consider dropping out, or transfering, etc. g'luck with your problems ( or whatever you want to call them).</p>

<p>wow u son of a *<strong><em>, do u think going to penn is that ez? U are very lucky to be even going to Penn. If u give up this opportunity, then u really have some problems. Its pretty clear u dont know what your priorities in life are. I am no one to say that but still i stand by my statement. U must embrace this gift you have been given. Because at ure age, i probably dont see any reason to not make college the top prioroty. *</em></strong> happens, life goes on, but Once u leave Penn, i doubt that u will be going back. But then again, i am nobody to say anything to you since its *your life, but since u asked for help, here it is. STAY IN PENN. College isnt something u can throw away.</p>

<p>you say you don't want to go to college anymore... but if you ever want to be considered for a job you NEED a college degree. I'm not saying you NEED to go to Penn, but college is generally a good idea.</p>

<p>My suggestion is go to penn. 1 year won't make a difference in your life, and if you are unhappy you can always:
a)drop out...and do an unskilled job? Not a very good option.
b)transfer to a different school<br>
c)transfer to a school that is less school-y. Like a community college type school where you take classes and get a degree (not a very good one)<br>
d) after your first year, is it an option at Penn to defer/leave school for a year and come back later? I go to cornell and they have this as an option if you can convince them that you have a need to leave school.</p>

<p>again... I'd say go to penn.. hopefully by the end of freshman year the stuff in your life will be dealt with, and you'll have accomplished a year of school.</p>

<p>Take a gap year and do something fun with it....</p>


<p>If you come to Penn with that attitude, you will surely be miserable (unless it's just "cold feet"). If you do some soul searching and are really serious, see if you can defer your acceptance for a year to figure out what you want to do. This way, you'll still have the opportunity to go if you decide that's what you want.</p>

<p>P.S. Sushant, you're an idiot.</p>

<p>Ivy League vs. no college? Are you sure there's no middle road?</p>

<p>Well since an Ivy League school is a college, I would say no, there is no middleground between a college and no college.</p>

<p>Ivy leaguers, aspiring ivy leaguers especially, need to get over the little title their college has been given. It doesn't make much of a difference. And the people who knock anything that isn't the ivy league while they're still in high school, you better be 100% sure you're getting acceptance letters or you're going to feel verrrrrry stupid when March comes.</p>

<p>chris07, are you retarded?</p>

<p>The point was, the OP went from going to one of the nation's top schools, to not wanting to go anywhere at all. And yes, there is a middle ground between the two.</p>

<p>suck it up and go to Penn. appreciate the amazing opportunity you have. people without college degrees have a hard achieving financial stability in today's world.</p>

<p>ur a teenage kid who doesnt wanna go to school?</p>

<p>umm. ok. because THAT isnt normal. </p>

<p>dude. w/e has happened, whoever/whatever you've lost (unless its financial stability, in which case you need a job), im POSITIVE that you're life will be enriched by a college experience. just go. hope to see u having the time of ur life in a few short weeks.</p>

<p>If this is really how you feel right now, and you're sure that it isn't just freshman year jitters, I would contact Penn's admissions office -- quickly -- and inquire about whether you can defer your admission for one year. If they say yes, and I'm guessing they will, you have a year to think things over, work, perform community service, travel, etc. and decide how you would like to proceed with your life. Admission to Penn is a precious opportunity that doesn't come to very many individuals, so give your decision the serious thought that it deserves. Good luck.</p>

<p>hpmbs, so this is the OP's post according to your point? :</p>

<p>"I don't know if I want to go to Penn anymore. College workload isn't for me. Instead, I'll go to a different college without Penn's 'reputation' and be perfectly fine."</p>

<p>The work is the same at all colleges (trust me, I took courses at Penn, and if I didn't know I was at an Ivy League School I wouldn't have been able to guess; there's no ambiance of superiority as you would expect, from the way some people talk about it). Calculus at Penn is the same at Calculus at any other school, as is Physics, Bio, and any other course that isn't subject to bias.</p>

<p>So if the OP wants to get away from college, which it sounds like she is saying, there is no middle ground. </p>

<p>In fact, it sounds like a lot of my Penn friends are only taking four courses a semester, whereas five courses is common at my (and many other) public schools. So if there was middle ground for courseload, I'd say Penn was it.</p>

<p>Call admissions and see if you can defer your admissions. Some colleges (Notre Dame comes to mind) let you defer for a year for "good reason." Mariel Zagunis deferred her freshman admission to ND so she could train for the Olympics in fencing. On a fluke, she won the gold medal in women's sabre. </p>

<p>All it costs is a phone call or letter.</p>

<p>PennHunter, get over it. Have some pride! Just because Penn was your first choice doesn't mean you can't forget it, be happy somewhere else, and achieve your dreams. There are plenty of great nursing schools all over, no need to regret anything.</p>

<p>whether or not this is a spam, the principle remains the same: none of us know what this person is going through. it could be as severe as a loss of a close relative, a psychological problem or other health issue or as miniscule as prefreshmen anxiety. bashing this person isn't gonna help any problem he/she's got. personally, i love the idea of going to penn in the fall, in fact i can't wait, i think its gonna be one of the best things to happen to me. but if something happened where i would be needed at home, or would benefit much greater from coping with w/e problem at home, then for sure i'd stay home. and so what if he/she is deferring matriculation, how does it affect you? its their problem and just cuz half of you aren't in penn/won't get in doesn't give you any more authority of the situation. it seems like the OP is just venting some issues, just leave it or give constructive advice........</p>

<p>and sushant, what did i say last week about leaving this forum and coming back in a couple years? you clearly need to mature</p>

<p>It's natural to feel overwhelmed or have "cold feet" when entering a new, major stage in your life. Just remember to not take everything so seriously...have fun. Don't stress out...just take things as they come. If you don't like things after a year, you can transfer.</p>