Don't want to pay for college

<p>I do appreciate some posts and threads for their entertainment value and I want to thank the OP for that.</p>



<p>we are not that compassionate, unfortunately.</p>

<p>ClassicRocker, the OP may or may not be a ■■■■■. The issues s/he has raised could not be more urgent. Nothing entertaining about them…</p>

<p>OP, just in case you are not a ■■■■■, and in case you have a real kid at home about to start high school, I really feel for your kid. Why should she continue on the difficult path you have set for her? If she acts out and you throw her out of the house, she can be a foster child and therefore an independent student.</p>

<p>Be careful what you wish for. And yes, buy that long-term health insurance, you will definitely need it.</p>

<p>To tortoise: I don’t agree that the issues she has raised are the same as the ones you’re raising. The ■■■■■, I mean OP, is planning *early retirement * and has enough in investments and savings to contribute- she just chooses not to. That’s very different from being stretched from both ends, as in the situation you were describing.
She has enough to help out with med school and spends boatloads on ECs, ( and it sounds like she may continue to) but she doesn’t even want contribute to college so she can retire early and travel, do charity work, etc. Very different.</p>

<p>I see what you mean, moonchild</p>

<p>Now the OP is a writer! Let me guess: she’s the next Stephen King.</p>

<p>But anyway, if you truly do write for a living, you would not use phrases like “lots of,” especially if you went to such an elite institution. People at that high of a level at those kind of schools would get crucified for using colloquial diction like that, especially if they have a major that correlates with writing. And it’s true that a writer doesn’t necessarily have to be so critical of themselves on forums like this, but as someone who earns their money from being grammatically correct and articulate every single day, good habits just stick.</p>

<p>Besides, if this person really WAS real, wouldn’t they be getting mad at us, not interacting with us and creating more fuel for our attacks? </p>

<p>It’s been an amusing read. That’s all I can say. :)</p>



<p>The OP claims that her alleged offspring is in 8th grade. I don’t see ANYTHING urgent. </p>

<p>If if she’s serious, than maybe I’m serious about my post about getting married, becoming a sugar babe or going into the sex industry. However, neither is true. </p>

<p>I’ve tried to help enough students over the years on the receiving end of this kind of narcissism that you can rest assured that in 3 years if and when the alleged DD gets here, we’ll be here to help if help is even possible. I’ll have better suggestions then. </p>

<p>I’ll never forget that girl whose father goes to the Super Bowl every year and whose mother fell in the store, hit her head and died during the summer after senior year. That girl basically graduated HS, found out that she had no college to go to, buried her mother, and was homeless all in the span of 4 months. That one seemed all to real. </p>

<p>This problem isn’t real, and I will just assume that it’s a ■■■■■. Let’s have a little fun with it.</p>



<p>whoa. What a story. How did it turn out?</p>

<p>Why was the girl homeless if she had a dad who had the money and connections to go to the Super Bowl every year? Don’t give out too many details, the OP <em>IS</em> a writer after all. ;)</p>


Nah, the dad used multiple credit cards to finance his lavish lifestyle.</p>

<p>That one seemed all too real, and it didn’t end well. Dad sent her packing and moved away. She went to a distant state where her brother lived and tried to make a go of it. She stopped posting. </p>

<p>Some people really shouldn’t be breeding.</p>



<p>Well, the OP says it wants to stick around for four years to ask for advice. Unfortunately, the OP will get distracted once it goes off for freshman year and finds more entertaining ways to spend its time.</p>



<p>Let’s be realistic about what she might get. If she is brilliant she may get half of the COA at a private university.</p>

<p>Nice use of pronouns, SlitheyTove!</p>

<p>yeah, I don’t think any of us actually “want” to pay for college, not the same way we “want” to go to Hawaii or Aspen.</p>

<p>However, pay we do.</p>

<p>The more I look at the situations of college graduates these days, the more I think one of the greatest gifts a parent can give his/her kid is a debt free, or as debt-free as possible, college education.</p>

<p>Oh, and please go back to posting on high school life. Teen mother who is working in a high powered high pay Ivy educated career? Too much MTV</p>

<p>Let’s be realistic of the fact that the ■■■■■ stopped commenting on this thread. It’s probably hiding under its bridge.</p>

<p>I honestly didn’t realize that my life story was so unbelievable. Maybe I should write a novel. I haven’t even touched on the interesting details.</p>

<p>I want to know what EC costs $150,000… Racing yachts? Dressage on a rare breed of Arabian horse? </p>

<p>Help me out here, folks…</p>