<p>we're getting a lot of calls and emails today from people who are worried that we don't have their mail since it's not updated in the application tracker. </p>
<p>chances are, we almost certainly have your mail!! it's just we're getting between one or two dozen buckets of mail every single day! i have currently built a small igloo of them and am hiding from matt in here. </p>
<p>if you (or your teachers, or guidance counselor, or sensei, or spirit guardian, or fanclub president) mailed us something, we're sorting through it all day erry day, and will get the tracker page updated accordingly. but we may be up to two weeks behind! relax, we won't consider your application if we don't have everything, and will let you know if we're missing something. </p>
<p>again, if you want to get us something quickest and easiest for all involved, it's best to fax to 617-687-9184.</p>
<p>I knew a guy who got that much mail once. Odd fellow. Had some sort of lightning-scar on his forehead or something…</p>
<p>Seriously though, that’s insane.</p>
<p>that was one of three shipments today</p>
<p>we have probably ~20 of those through the week</p>
<p>Lol! How many terabytes of data do you guys manage to store during admissions period? Just curious.</p>
<p>absolutely no idea.</p>
<p>I’d say not much, at a guess. Even at a rate of 1MB per student (which is pushing it), that’s like, 16,000 MB, which is 16 GB. Not really as much as all that mail would make you think :D</p>
<p>Chris, I’ll have you know that you’re making me more excited about MIT each day. The whole tube thing with the hand-signed holiday cards for like ~700 applicants, the decisions released on 3/14 1:59… Yeah, I’ll be leaving CC so as not to jump ship when my rejection letter comes.</p>
<p>By the way, Sandro, I got the 1MB number by estimating the maximum possible size for each PDF (which is like 100kb max probably) x around 5 documents = 500kb at most. 1MB was just a maximum estimate, because some files might be about 200kb. That’s not counting supplementary material, of course, but the majority don’t submit those (if I had to guess.)</p>