<p>I have a 3.8 in the top 25% of class and an 1130 ( new scores pending) on old SAT's, many great EC's. I have been looking around and it seems like I am a Match for most southeastern state schools (Not UVA or UNC) but I want more than that. Any suggestion on colleges that are better than state schools but lower than ivies? I know there are a ton inbetween but I can't find a good medium school, help?</p>
<p>You're gonna need to give more information about what you are looking for. I.E. geography, student body size, academics, surrounding area, atmosphere, etc etc etc. First off, what are you looking for in a school?</p>
<p>whats wrong with a state school?</p>
<p>It's important to find schools you LOVE & will be happy at & would love to have you, and you can afford. This is called "loving your safety." It is a sane approach & will help you have an enjoyable college experience. If you choose carefully among the thousands of colleges in the US, you should be able to find ones that meet your educational needs and budget. Thinking about answers to the questions jackie posed would be a good start.</p>
<p>"Doomed"? That's very rude....</p>
<p>There are plenty of state schools that are better than plenty of private schools. You can't judge the quality of a college by whether or not it's public.</p>
<p>I live in CA, and I'd rather go to my "state" school over tons of private schools. UCLA and Berkeley are top schools, above most privates, as are U Mich, UVA, UT Austin, W&M, etc. So don't shun a school just because it doesn't charge $40K+ a year.</p>
<p>I seemed to have offended some by using "doomed" which I admit is a terrible word choice. I know that many state schools are MUCH better than private schools but I am frustrated that my guidance counselor, college searches, and most adults only recommend Florida State, University of Georgia, Alabama, UT... I know I don't have the best grades but (remember, I acknowledge that state schools and public school are great) are there any smaller southeastern schools that are inbetween State schools and say Vanderbilt? Have a good political science program and an urban/ suburban atmosphere?</p>
<p>Usually colleges in or near state capitols have good poli sci programs. Check out those kind of colleges in the SE.</p>
<p>Thank you, speaking of Capitols and I know this is branching out of the whole Southeastern thing but what about George Washington University or Catholic University of America? I lived in DC as a page and love the atmosphere, would these schools be too much of a reach ?</p>
<p>GW would be a reach.</p>
<p>Catholic and seems more possible, SAT 25th-75th percentile: 1050-1270</p>
<p>American SATs 1130-1320</p>
<p>GW: 1180-1370</p>
<p>Also check out George Mason, which is a public university in a Virginia suburb of D.C.. SATs 1000-1210. It's not small, though. It has about 12,700 fulltime undergrads.</p>