Daughter has been accepted and will attend Fashion School at KSU. Any current students or recent grads have advice on best dorms, or one(s) to avoid? Thanks.
Hi, my daughter lived in Eastway for freshman year, and liked it. There is a dining hall, convenience store, etc in the center of the building, which is like 4 small dorms attached in the center. This year, she is in Tri-Towers, also has an eating area, and 3 adjoining dorm buildings, and it is working out okay too. My daughter likes the school. Good luck!
My daughter is in the honors college but just moved out and will be living in Prentice hall. They have a dining hall but communal bathrooms.
This is pretty late but I lived in Eastway for my freshman year and I really liked it. One of the best parts of it is that Eastway market (a convenience store) and the dining hall are in the same building so during the winter, you don’t have to go outside. It is also a good way to make friends freshman year. If she decides to live on campus next year I highly recommend twin towers. It is really close to the center of campus, student center, and library; however, it is about an extra $1,000 a semester and if your daughter is a fashion major, it might be a long walk to her classes since the fashion building is on the other side of campus. What’s nice about the living arrangement at Twin Towers is that there is a common room that you share with one other roommate and you get your own little room. You also share a bathroom with two other girls that live in the same arrangement next door to you. I find this kind of nice because you are not sharing a bathroom with a lot of random people. I’ve also heard that centennial courts C has a private bathroom and you share a room with one other person, but there is no living room area. This dorm would be slightly closer to the fashion building and is slightly further from the center of the campus.