Dorm help?

my son has a selection date of the 3rd. so coming up, day 2 of selection … he pulled a roommate up already but now they are in discussion of where exactly to live. can anyone give me a hierarchy of where they should look? they want to rush, so ideally near the frat houses. neither is engineering, but they would love bryant, is that possible? will the system only let me book what they can actually live in?

Seems like I heard within the last week that Bryant will not be open next year.

It is the Bryant dining hall that will be closing. The athletic department is opening its own dining hall near the practice fields.

I heard that the Sunday Brunch that used to be at Bryant Dining, will be moved to Burke in the fall.

Bryant Hall remains open - it’s the dining facility there that is closing, according to a few parents who got the inside scoop. I don’t believe a formal announcement has been made yet.

Bryant Hall is solely for athletes and male engineers, so I doubt your son can choose there, @parent012399, unless they anticipate a lot of empty rooms.

@UAHousing, can you answer the OP’s questions?